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Posted By: Oceanpaddeler Backing tracks needed (many) - 12/06/19 01:36 PM

I’m looking to get many backing tracks made for my gigs. I’ve been using Jamey Abersold backing tracks but the quality isn’t great and it’s not flexible. I’d do it myself but I just don’t have the time. If anyone is interested in a project please contact me.
Posted By: sslechta Re: Backing tracks needed (many) - 12/06/19 02:50 PM
Here's another post on the PG Forums that may help you get started. You can open these songs in BIAB.

750 BIAB songs for download
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Backing tracks needed (many) - 12/08/19 11:19 PM
Are you currently using +++ +++ backing tracks? What's wrong with what you're currently using? What instrument do you play? How many? How quickly? Do you have a song list?

I would respond by private message (PM) but your forum mailbox is full. Click on the "My Stuff" link at the top of each page then click on "Messages" to go to your forum mailbox.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Backing tracks needed (many) - 12/10/19 10:28 PM
If you have an iPad try

I currently have about 120 songs and counting they are pretty nice.
Posted By: mrgeeze Re: Backing tracks needed (many) - 01/01/20 02:47 PM

In the long run I think you will end up making your own tracks.
The other approaches (free ones and purchased ones) will prove frustrating with their own problems.

For example,
Rarely do all levels and mixes work between a disparate set of backing tracks.
Rarely do 2 musicians agree on how loud the piano player should play.
Sometimes what sounds good in the studio sounds horrible at the gig.
I can't remember how many tunes I've remixed after playing them at a gig.

I have found that I can build a performance ready song with BIAB and my DAW (Logic) in about 2 hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less. 3-4 in a 8 hour day.

I am probably an intermediate level BIAB user. Certainly no expert.

This is for a fairly straight ahead song. A short intro, verses, chorus, room for some improv soloing, restate the melody, and an ending.
Maybe a hold or shot here and there, nothing fancy.

I set the arrangement, tempo, key & style inside BIAB. sometimes I spend a good bit of time auditioning various musicians. I use real styles only, not midi.
I export single file per musician wav file out and mix in my DAW. Sometimes I use a little automation for levels and add some tweaking. Then I use A LUFS meter to make sure the output level will be consistent for all my work. User Teunis on this forum educated me on this critical step of the process. Don't overlook it.

Yes, it is work. Don't know how to get around that.
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