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This series of videos will highlight area where subtle changes can produce a MUCH LARGER SYNERGY between views and floating windows as it greatly speeds
Imagine working freely between all the views with the correct location and selection ready to go for you.
Imagine looping a passage and all views honor your loop status allowing you to make your refinements to the loop without interrupting your creativity.
Please support this Improvement request.


This really should be a given for the design of BIAB.
That it isn't already shows the piecemeal nature of its evolution.

The post should probably be in the wishlist forum, though that's perhaps moot.
Def +1
Excellent suggestions from the O/P. Thanks for your extraordinary effort to deliver potential worthwhile improvements.
I agree.
+1, I agree, hope this is not a new feature for 2025 smile but it should be patched soon.
+1 for sure. These are things that need to be included in this year's release. They smooth out the new features, and help make it even better.
I know I posted a +1 on this a few hours ago.

This is excellent and should definitely be incorporated into the existing workflow. I feel sure that PGM would agree. This lends itself as a perfect enhancement to the new features in the 2024 release.
Originally Posted by Matt Finley
I know I posted a +1 on this a few hours ago.

Maybe on a different forum page?
I see 2024 BIAB update as a huge step forward. Extremely fast regenerations utilizing multiple CPU cores, a non modal Library that has most of PGM content - all in one place, very easy way(s) to do partial regen, more floating - non jailed windows, etc. Program became much friendlier to use and I stay in it much longer than I used to. There are usually some requests that seem hard to implement or unrealistic, but all things OP suggested makes a perfect sense and it seems very doable as a part of a patch release.

"subtle changes can produce a MUCH LARGER SYNERGY between views and floating windows as it greatly speeds up your workflow and increase your creativity."

This is very true and I hope Peter & Team will consider these points for upcoming patches within 2024. OP's group are not "new features", but a tune-up of the existing workflow that will make program much more coherent.


BTW, nice video. You should consider making a few tutorials smile

Hopefully these improvements will be added sooner than later!!!
The more I look at this video, the more I like what it delivers.
Presumably PG Music will chip in at some point too?
+1 for this great suggestion.
+100 for giving priority to fixing the bugs and issues of the current version, before implementing new features.
A question comes to mind. How many users feel this would enhance you workflow and in what ways? Please be as detailed as possible. I’ll go first.

1. For me this would make me stay longer in BiaB during the creation stage of a song project

2. Make creative decisions easier and far more intuitive

3. Decrease time needed to get certain tracks right.
jpettit, this is a good piece of thinking.
Thanks for sharing this.
This is a great share jpettit! You can certainly see how that work flow would be beneficial.

Thank you so much for doing this.
Especially after all this progress, it shouldn't be so difficult to harmonize everything. Cathy, spread the word! wink We will really have a Pro product after that.
Finally when I say Pro, I'm not talking about the Pro version, you understand me. Long live it!
Originally Posted by Catherine
This is a great share jpettit! You can certainly see how that work flow would be beneficial.

Thank you so much for doing this.
Thanks, and yes, please share in PGM.

As I said in the OP, these will be a series of videos of small changes in areas the currently prevent ease of use across the entire application.

I will add the remaining as people have time to think about it.

Thanks for all replies.
That's a great video, thanks! To further simplify, one of the main issues I see is that the clicking in the Tracks window doesn't set the current position, and it should.
Originellement posté par Andrew - PG Music
That's a great video, thanks! To further simplify, one of the main issues I see is that the clicking in the Tracks window doesn't set the current position, and it should.

Yes you have summarized the problem, we know that you will find the solution.

But have you noticed the Slide on Flyer Rootsy, it's a great song, I love it, especially the Baryton Sax, it makes me laugh every time.
Just an aside. Jeff (user jpettit) is definitely driving this train, but you should know that a small number of users has been actively discussing this and many other suggestions for improvement. The group very much appreciates the positive feedback here from fellow users and from PG Music staff.
Originellement posté par Matt Finley
Just an aside. Jeff (user jpettit) is definitely driving this train, but you should know that a small number of users has been actively discussing this and many other suggestions for improvement. The group very much appreciates the positive feedback here from fellow users and from PG Music staff.

Hourra !
Originally Posted by Andrew - PG Music
That's a great video, thanks! To further simplify, one of the main issues I see is that the clicking in the Tracks window doesn't set the current position, and it should.

Thanks, and to be clear the play head should be in sync in all views, no matter where you set it.
Does anyone know if the concept of thread safety applies here?
If so, Microsoft has a testing framework called CHESS that may be useful.

I've done a little programming in my time and this sounds a tad applicable.
I am most certain that PG Music are fully aware of threaded code, as will as thread synchronization, as well as thread management requirements.
Incidentally, all of the song generation tasks in the 2024 version are now multi-threaded.
I posted the next two videos in the Original Post (OP) on Cursor improvements and Consistent Zoom and Scrolling.
This is a long conversation about pulling many historically independent features of BIAB into a One cohesive working environment.
Vertical cursor is noticeably missing especially if one is used to using a DAW.
+1 (and excellent work on these videos!)
Great deal of work had been done in 2024 BIAB aiming at workflow. MTP Library, non-modal windows, Track view, etc. However, after a construction a good clean up / tune-up is needed. Small things make up big things.

+1 for everything that was mentioned.

+1 to Jeff for making this excellent video.
YouTube counts show the following in terms of watched videos.

PGM, this is the Customers priority:
1) Shared data across views
2) Cursor improvements
3) Common Zoom /Scroll keys
Workflow enhancements/issues/bugs that would improve the smoothness of using the multi picker while selecting styles and instruments.

In this video I identify 9 issues, 4 bugs, and a few unknowns that improve the overall next level workflow with the new multi picker library.
1) Move style button to the right to make room for text strings.
2) Add color or obvious label to Style/Instrument forms when in "use chords in songs" since it is destructive. Too hard you are in the mode.
3) Add Ctrl + Z capability to Multi picker window so you do not have to click off of it.
4) Auto load Genre
5) Auto Load tracks matching Instrument Family to near search for alternative for that track.
6) Show actual Instrument family name/name in filter string.
7) Move Thru track to the bottom of the Track View since it cannot be used to generate tracks or edit it.
8) Honor User selected track if Drums already exist on track 3. (stop forcing track 3 for drums)
9) Issue/Bug MIDI Tracks Tab is resetting volume of track. Other Tab (instruments do not reset the volume allowing you to turn up volume to audition.

1) Loops Tab is not honoring auto filters. 15:33
2) Solor is not reflecting in Multi Picker 18:06
3) Category Genre is not accurate for some categories
4) MST Tab are not loading correct preset for Track 1-7. They do work on utility tracks.

Issues (break workflow):
1) Clicking timeline does not move cursor playback. This causes you to artificially click a track which throws you off and you use a wrong track to audition new instruments.

1) Strings Family are not associated with Country Genre

Not shown in video:
Auditioning MST patches is playing entire auditioning file length before letting the patch be assigns. This was on and off when creating the video so there is probably another variable.
On my system 4k screen running 125% the Style Tab opens to show about half of the Multi picker library columns.
A slight resize will refresh it with all columns.
Just an aside question. Waht video resolution to you upload?

"...The main difference between these resolutions is the amount of detail they can display. 1080p is capable of displaying much more detail than 720p, and 720p can display more detail than 420p."

Your video is blurry at my end. I think I use 720p which appear to me to be sharp. Are you using 420p?

God knows you have a tough enough job trying to communicate the issues with this picker. Would be better if it was clearer in resolution.

Opps, nevermind, I went back to view and it now looks much sharper. I suspect it was just Youtube adjusting.
I think it is like 1280p but YT us probably still processing it.
Check back in an hour and if it's blurry say tomorrow I'll upload a higher resolution.
Yes, Youtube adjusting. All clear now.
An excellent video and demonstrations of the bugs and issues Jeff.
Well worth the 23 minutes, as you have covered everything in great detail.
Excellent job, as always. I really hope PG music will finish the multipicker window feature (and other features introduced in 2024) and fix the known bugs before starting to work on more features for 2025.
Nice work Sir Jeff! i hope this gets the traction it deserves. The multipicker is certainly a star feature, and it needs some love after release. Great points, let's see if these issues get some attention.
<< Unknowns:
1) Strings Family are not associated with Country Genre >>

Just a word for clarity that may help you develop suggestions as you test further. There are country strings but they are grouped with pop/rock genres so using the Category Button to limit the search to only country doesn't produce any results. To find 'country' strings a user must also use the Filter String Box to broaden the search to pop\rock or country which is how country Strings are described in the Genre Category.

These are excellent videos and analysis.

Attached picture Country has no Strings.jpg
Attached picture Filter for Genre.jpg
Thanks Charlie, to be honest I just assumed it was operator air at the time that I was making the video, so I didn't dive deeper into it.

They might want to double check some of their categories for instruments that are used across genres but only if they make that filter automatic like the other three.
watched again very good information.
Docked Panels have been brought up in the White Paper's conversation and I realized that we didn't really have a video explaining to people what they are.
Along with this series of workflow videos that I did this winter this is showing simple things that PGM can do and has already done it just needs to be embraced fuller to eliminate some of the old-fashioned dialog box approaches of the UI.
This along with a dark mode would go a long way to make customer more comfortable in the software.
Thanks Jeff.
The video really shows stylish ways of using panels in a modern user interface.
Every one of the workflow series videos, which call out inconsistencies across the application can be fixed with relatively very few lines of code and I would hope that we see many things in this thread addressed in additional updates to the 2024 release.
+1 Jeff on your workflow videos, they very much communicate/demonstrate improvements that are needed.
These must have taken quite some effort to produce and not everyone has the communication skills to do something like this; job well done.

I may have stumbled upon 1 or 2 of the issues you raise, but because I learned from a longtime user to get in and out of BiaB quickly, most of what you covered I've been blissfully unaware of until viewing your vids. And these vids are 1000% more communicative than a 1 or 2 line posting in the Wishlist forum.

Consistency is everything in large software programs. Hopefully these will be properly addressed in future updates to BiaB.
Thanks Bass Thumper
Although they have been seen and acknowledged by PGM you'll notice that most of the videos were made in December of 2023. They certainly aren't urgent matters but it's the little things that count if they want to keep people in the tool longer.

I'm hoping they will at least give us consistent location and looping in a vertical cursor when they give us VST3 this year.

I usually start the song in BIAB, then refine it in the plugin while working in Studio One.
I make all these suggestions to help keep the customers more comfortable working in BIAB.
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