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Posted By: musocity Export to Reaper Option - 01/28/24 09:03 AM
If you have the code in BBW4 you should be able to put it in BBW to export the Reaper track data to a folder then be able to drag n drop directly into Reaper without the need for the BB VST (allowing users who don't use the BB VST to instantly transfer to Reaper without rendering to wav) or the BB VST could open the folder and import the all tracks or drag individual tracks directly into the BB VST track/s, this would work for any DAW once you have implemented direct wma playback for the BB VST.

These are all tiny files that don't fill up the hard drive:
Bass - 1011 Bass, Electric, BritInvasion Ev 120.RTrackTemplate
Bass - 1011 Bass, Electric, BritInvasion Ev 120_RC.mid
Drums - RealDrums=RockClassicBritEv^2-a Snare, Closed HiHat , b Snare, Open HiHat.RTrackTemplate
Drums - RealDrums=RockClassicBritEv^2-a Snare, Closed HiHat , b Snare, Open HiHat _RC.mid

[Linked Image]

Attached picture BB24-Export-Reaper.png
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: Export to Reaper Option - 01/28/24 01:59 PM

tbh ive gone back to v2 reaps.
(so right now im useing bb and rb 2024 and reaps v2.) v2 reaps useage.

1. does all i want.
2. a simpler work environment.
how i wish new bb 2024 had its editing feaures..
eg if a vocal note is too high or a section hilite/split hold mouse at top drag down. also a doddle to correct a note too early or too late.. i adore the new bb 2024 track view concept ...just want the editing in new bb tv like reaps v2.
3. more like the time i did songs in studios with 2 inch mtrs
but without the track limits and track bouncing.
4. one thing i really like in reaps and v2 has it is when im doing surgical edits i can see all other tracks so i can line up when doing moves. want this in new bb tv rather than bonking out to audio edit that only shows one track so i loose perspective.

frankly im not into reaps or any daws drawing in of volume automation even tho v2 has it cos too much time wasted..
a royal pain in the rear imho.
trying to get the drawing of dots right. i far prefer the above surgical way for balanceing tracks. only auto i find usefull in reaps or any daw is pan auto so i can send fx whizzing around stereo

in summary i dont need the latest reaps fancy shmancy features. I often advise folks new to reaps to try v2 and see if it meets fheir needs. less of a learning cycle.

oh how i wish for an all flac bb and rb...and get away from silly wav files that every daw uses.
quack quack gimme

frankly mcity if bb2024 had reaps v2 audio editing i wouldnt need reaps which ive used for years due to the editing.
my dream is to do everything in one music app so im not like a bee flitting tween many different flowers.(daws) and wasting oodles of time.


om. 🇨🇦. 🇬🇧
Posted By: musocity Re: Export to Reaper Option - 01/28/24 09:35 PM
This was before RealTracks and RealBand, Non Destructive Editing PG must of missed it when it came out, lets hope the new BB Tracks view gets it all now and the code is copied over to RealBand. It has numbers you have to enter for volume level in Edit Riff but if they can make that a drag up/down that will also change the peak size and add some fade in/outs:

REAPER 2.0 BETA 13 - UPDATED SEP 26! 2007
Note: you may now discuss this wherever you like.

Here is the beta of REAPER 2.0. This beta has a ton of new stuff, the highlights of which are listed below. For a full list view the changelog in the about box.
  • New default them by WhiteTie, old theme is available as "Classic"
  • Extensions to advanced themeing - has info.
  • Drawing improvements (fixed occasional display issues on track panels etc)
  • More colorthemeable things (MIDI editor, docker, can be set independently, more fonts themeable)
  • Mixer: Optional FX/send views on the track.
  • Screensets: focus tracking, more mixer state saved in screensets, other bugfixes
  • Automation: new option to allow easy adding of tons of new automation (prefs/editing/"Automatically add/arm envelopes when tweaking parameters in write modes")
  • Editing: a bunch of editing fixes, improvements to automation moving with items
  • Multichannel master track (primarily for doing advanced sidechains etc on the master)
  • FX: renaming of effect instances, comment window improvements
  • JS: new functionality including PDC, as well as position reporting to effects

The REAPER 2.x series will get a lot of additions over the next year or so, but this is getting it off to a good start.

Registered REAPER 1.x users get a free upgrade to 2.x, and until we launch 2.0 on the main web site, you can still buy 1.x licenses for the current price (as there will be a price increase for REAPER 2.x). So, if you want to get a license at the current prices, you have approximately til the 18th or so of september)..

Finally, since you read all of this, here is the link:

Post your comments on this thread.

-Justin + Christophe

Edit: now updated to v2.0beta13!! The MIDI overhaul continues...

Here's a screenshot of the new skin, with the FX insert mixer view open:
[Linked Image from]

I can get the same version on Mac & Lin today not 6 months later. I just got Mac working now on an old Windows tower and went to buy the Mac Biab for it but it's still the 2023 version so I gotta wait frown

REAPER supports all Windows versions from Windows XP to Windows 11.

REAPER supports macOS 10.5* to macOS 14.
Some features may require macOS 10.7+. For macOS 10.4 and PPC support, use REAPER v4.75.

REAPER supports Linux on Intel and ARM architectures, and the Windows version works well with WINE.

[Linked Image]

"oh how i wish for an all flac bb and rb...and get away from silly wav files that every daw uses.
quack quack gimme"

If you use the BB VST or SGU Import Reaper it will use all flac track sections, but I don't know how ver 2 will work with the VST or the script ?????

Attached picture Reaper-Crossplatform-Downloads.png
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: Export to Reaper Option - 01/28/24 11:46 PM

i dont think v2 had scripting.
But i love it for editing cos so simple .
want same in bb new tv.
hilite/right clik/edit menu appears etc.
ive done loads of vocal comps over the years in v2.

but my new love is bb new tv. slso finally rb is getting the attention it deserves. i pray pg realises that new bb tv would be pure gold if some edit features were added a la v2 reaps. imho every daw designer of daws should look at v2 reaps. a great tech lesson on how to do so much in a small exe.
the prob is lots of daws these days are so busy being competitive with new features that elegant often forgotten imho. so lots of products end up bloated....and new users are impacted of course.

rb is another fantastic product imho if a few things were added.
i didnt get all i wanted in 2024 but im impressed with pg for adding some nice new features i wanted.
people can slam me if they wish but rb could slay imho..
it dont need much more.
no other daw exists in the market like rb with auto accompany plus audio and midi. imho people miss a lot by not delving into the myriad rb


om. 🇨🇦. 🇬🇧
Posted By: musocity Re: Export to Reaper Option - 01/29/24 12:46 AM
What version did ReWire come into ?
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: Export to Reaper Option - 01/29/24 02:19 PM

dont need rw chappie.

reapsv2 has drag drop so i can just drag from bb/rb 2024
straight into reaps tracks.
or the song folder for the song....

in fact im close to not needing reaps v2 cept occasionally.
i can do all in bb and rb. now with all the added tracks in bb and 256 tracks in rb more flexibility.

there are loads of musos like me around the world that dont wanna flit tween different apps.
so now with pg 2024 i can do lots more song creation in bb/rb without useing another daw..put the flags

all thats needed now is reaps v2 like editing in bb...
and ITS PARTY ON. ill be dancing around with hapliness.
also now with rb 2024 i can more easily do vocal move bits of track around in relation to other tracks eg moving bits of my vocals that might be too early or late in time.

heres an example of what people might miss in rb for example. lots of peop!e spend a fortune on fancy schmancy plug ins. i can do the same fx in rb useing included rb pg dx plug ins in conjunction with sly tricks with vocal tracks. lol. money saved.
All the songs in my sig which ive had various likes on only used pg dx plug ins. its all there in pg products.
i know people spent thousands on plug ins they could have spent
on other gear. only thing i want now also is new bb yummy picker in rb.

respect mc.....have a great year.

om. 🇨🇦. 🇬🇧
Posted By: musocity Re: Export to Reaper Option - 01/29/24 09:53 PM
If I use version 2 can I use ReWire ? or did it come out in a later version ?
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: Export to Reaper Option - 01/30/24 12:12 AM

i looked and found some rewire settings under prefs plugin in old reaps. but im not expert in rw like you.
i dont want to give you misinformation so i suggestt you dload the old reaps version. even in these earlier versions there were a bewildering array of options....and wondfull edit features as ive said.

just be aware if youve used say ver 6 of reaps i dont know about backwards if projects will open.
so prolly best to use earlier version of reaps on new songs
what impresses me also with those old reaps versions of reaps is they work no hiccups with my new audient interface. havent had one problem.
in summary i love the simplicity of the early versions..
testament to j's programming brilliance that an old version will work no hiccups with a new asio.interface.

i used to tell people in big boy studios about j's brilliance...
and got laughed at...just like some question my recommending today that at least try rb and delve.
rb only needs a few xtras and could be a super daw imho.
poor pg are prolly fed up with me making rb suggestions..
lol....but i see a rb product that would slay with a few xtras.
just like reaps in days of yore i dont mind users throwing eggs at me re Im really liking the direction its taking. i guarantee if martin and the beatwells only had rb they would still produce gold...remember they only had a few tracks in those days. they would be ecstatic with 256 in rb.
now wowser i can comp my vocs in rb.
viva la rb lol.


om. 🇨🇦. 🇬🇧
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