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Posted By: solidrock BIAB Android/Apple Offline Song Creation - 06/03/14 05:54 AM
I would like to be able to use the mobile app for offline song creation. When I'm out away from the PC/MAC and I get a song in my head and need to get it down, it would be great to have a basic midi player in it to playback the progression I put in so when I get back I can work on it in BB.
Posted By: Keebo Re: BIAB Android/Apple Offline Song Creation - 06/03/14 02:50 PM
+ 1, again.
I don't know about the Apple ios but the Android operating system has a crude, but very useable, general midi (GM) sound module built-in.

There are multiple free websites devoted to providing how-to instruction and tools to help people develop, build and test applications for Android. The trouble is each site is built around a different platform to write the application code. Many public school systems are starting to offer coding to grammer, middle or high school students so a lot of research and work is being done to develop programming tools that can be used by many different age levels.
Posted By: raymb1 Re: BIAB Android/Apple Offline Song Creation - 06/25/14 05:43 PM
Check out iRealpro. It costs #10.00. It's a bare bones type of BIAB. The playback of songs is not too bad, not as sophisticated as BIAB though. I've used it on gigs a few times. There are almost 2000 songs that can be loaded into the app from their forum. You can type in your own sub chords to existing songs or enter new songs into the app. Later, Ray

PS No melodies though
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