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Posted By: Dougy Drumz Clicking Noise in Sforzando Sound Font - 10/28/23 01:43 AM
I'm trying use an authentic sound font for temple blocks for a percussion ensemble piece that I added to MuseScore 4. I found a great one in the FluidR3Mono_GM2-315.sf2 created in sforzando but the temple blocks have a problem. There's noise after C and D (not as pronounced). The longer the note, the more you hear it. Anybody know how to fix that? I'd like attach an example, but .mscz is not allowed.
You can upload an audio clip to a file sharing service such as Drop-Box, and share the link.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Clicking Noise in Sforzando Sound Font - 10/28/23 05:59 PM
The audio clip embedded in the sound font is likely not made correctly.

The audio clip may have too many, or not enough, samples; i.e 44100 or 48000 samples per second.

Another possibility is the audio clip may not start or stop at the zero crossing of the waveform.
Never mind. I discovered it's an issue with my Bluetooth hearing aids. When I listened directly from my laptop speaker, the sound went away.
Let me retract my "never mind." It's still there, I just can't hear it well without my hearing aids wink
The sample rate is set to 48000. What would be good to set it to?
44,100 sampling rate

And, 16-bit audio in case yours is running at 24 or higher.
I'm sure I did something wrong, but when I changed the sampling rate to 44,100 the sounds changed from temple blocks to cymbals. Any ideas?
Sorry, but that was coincidence. Changing the sample rate alone would not cause that.
Originally Posted by Dougy Drumz
I'm sure I did something wrong, but when I changed the sampling rate to 44,100 the sounds changed from temple blocks to cymbals. Any ideas?
That sounds like a mapping issue. I don't think there is a patch map for Sforzando and I understand it is GM at any rate.

Try two things:

1: Reset to Factory Defaults (from the Options drop-down menu) and test again.
2: Reinstall BiaB from the distribution, there should be no need to uninstall first, just replace your existing system.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Clicking Noise in Sforzando Sound Font - 10/30/23 01:42 PM
Audio Track isn't Sforzando a one patch at a time instrument?
I thought that it was, however I don't use it thus I don't know.
If it is a one patch at a time instrument then it is not GM compliant.
Originally Posted by MarioD
Audio Track isn't Sforzando a one patch at a time instrument?
I thought that it was, however I don't use it thus I don't know.
If it is a one patch at a time instrument then it is not GM compliant.
Mario, yes, you are correct if it can only play one patch at a time, it doesn't meet the full GM spec.

I don't specifically use Sforzando so I give no assurance and no guarantee that my offer of assistance is going to resolve the issue. But I hope it helps in some small way.

Often we see that users have made multiple adjustments to their settings. I was hoping that starting from a baseline might help identify / resolve the O/P's original issue.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Clicking Noise in Sforzando Sound Font - 10/30/23 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by AudioTrack
Originally Posted by MarioD
Audio Track isn't Sforzando a one patch at a time instrument?
I thought that it was, however I don't use it thus I don't know.
If it is a one patch at a time instrument then it is not GM compliant.
Mario, yes, you are correct if it can only play one patch at a time, it doesn't meet the full GM spec.

I don't specifically use Sforzando so I give no assurance and no guarantee that my offer of assistance is going to resolve the issue. But I hope it helps in some small way.

Often we see that users have made multiple adjustments to their settings. I was hoping that starting from a baseline might help identify / resolve the O/P's original issue.

Maybe someone who uses Sforzando can clarify if it is GM compliant or not.
What is a "one-patch-at-a-time instrument?"
Posted By: DrDan Re: Clicking Noise in Sforzando Sound Font - 10/31/23 09:19 PM
Plogue sforzando, has only ONE instrument slot, no mixer. ...Therefore, Sforzando can only load one sfz file at a time. To play say a piano and flute you have to have two tracks in your application with an instance of .Sforzando on each.
Yes. I've noticed when I've use sforzando in MuseScore 4. Is there another tool you would suggest using?
*that when I've used
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Clicking Noise in Sforzando Sound Font - 11/05/23 07:20 PM
Dougy Drums, In addition to Sforzando PG Music includes the free version of +++ Synthfont 2 +++ with Band-in-a-Box. Synthfont 2 is a multi timbrel midi player so one instance of Synthfont 2 can play more than one instrument. PG Music also includes a GM compatible instrument patch.
Originally Posted by Jim Fogle
Dougy Drums, In addition to Sforzando PG Music includes the free version of +++ Synthfont 2 +++ with Band-in-a-Box. Synthfont 2 is a multi timbrel midi player so one instance of Synthfont 2 can play more than one instrument. PG Music also includes a GM compatible instrument patch.
I'm not sure that's quite right. PGM certainly includes VSTSynthFont (VSTSynthFont64), from the same people, but I think not SynthFont2, though do correct me if I'm wrong.
I have to say that I find synthfont's website very confusing. Too many applications with names too similar to each other.

The BIAB manual page 9 tells where to find it (bb/Data/libx64) and how to install it.
There are better soundfonts than the default one that comes with it.
Let's make sure we're all on the same page. My goal is temple blocks without a clicking sound. Are we saying BIAB might allow me allow me to download or access a better version of FluidR3Mono_GM or FluidR3_GM_GS that may have a cleaner set of temple blocks? And, if so, is the BIAB Pro version good enough?
Posted By: MarioD Re: Clicking Noise in Sforzando Sound Font - 11/06/23 02:02 PM
The engine in BiaB is the same for all versions, the only difference is the number of add-ons (Realtracks, styles, melodists, etc) you get with each package. Thus yes the pro version will run soundfonts using a soundfont player.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Clicking Noise in Sforzando Sound Font - 11/07/23 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Gordon Scott
Originally Posted by Jim Fogle
Dougy Drums, In addition to Sforzando PG Music includes the free version of +++ Synthfont 2 +++ with Band-in-a-Box. Synthfont 2 is a multi timbrel midi player so one instance of Synthfont 2 can play more than one instrument. PG Music also includes a GM compatible instrument patch.
I'm not sure that's quite right. PGM certainly includes VSTSynthFont (VSTSynthFont64), from the same people, but I think not SynthFont2, though do correct me if I'm wrong.
I have to say that I find synthfont's website very confusing. Too many applications with names too similar to each other.

The BIAB manual page 9 tells where to find it (bb/Data/libx64) and how to install it.
There are better soundfonts than the default one that comes with it.
Thank you for the correction Gordon. I was speaking from memory as I did not consult the manual, and should have, before responding.
Originally Posted by Dougy Drumz
I found a great one in the FluidR3Mono_GM2-315.sf2 created in sforzando but the temple blocks have a problem. There's noise after C and D (not as pronounced). The longer the note, the more you hear it. Anybody know how to fix that? I'd like attach an example, but .mscz is not allowed.

Sforzando can 'convert' a sf2 file into individual sfz instruments. It's possible that it doesn't always catch everything during the conversion. The good news is that you can have a look at the sfz (it is plain text files), track down the samples it points to, and make corrections. If you'd like to dig deeper into making your own instruments for sforzando you can find the SFZ opcodes here:

It sounds like you'll want to clean up the tail of the sample. Have a look at the sfz file that sforzando loads. With sf2 to sforzando conversions loaded from the user directory, you can easily look directly at the SFZ that is loaded by clicking the INFO tab, and 'Open in text editor'.

Track the sample layer that 'clicks' when you strike that key. Percussion samples are usually one shot, so loop points shouldn't be a problem.

Have a look at it in a sample editor. Smooth it out, or even flat out trim off the 'click'. If you don't have a sample editor, I think Audacity is a free DAW that has enough features to explore, trim samples, and find good loop points (if you need that).

If you can't get it cleaned up, you could probably replace the samples with new samples that you'd hunt down online. I.E.
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