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Posted By: dRoNe13 Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 01:37 PM
Hi all.
I'm having a problem with drum fills, The other day everything was fine when I played my song, Today, the drum fills can't be heard.
It's quite a long song, around 240 bars, at 60bpm, and it is one big chorus.
I don't recall altering any setting's (to the best of my knowledge) that would affect the drum fills to be silenced. The only settings I recall altering were in the bar settings, volume, temp and also I change style for part of the song from,_BELLE.STY , to, _FMDILE.STY, and back to _BELLE.STY.
Now, I'm a little clumsy handed so I can't say for sure whether I changed something else by mistake.

The part markers haven't been altered since it was working correctly the other day.

I loaded up a previous save from around a week ago, and the drum fills seem to be fine. It would be great if I can solve this problem without having to return to the old save.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it,
Quite often the nylon guitar from _BELLE.STY plays out of tune after regeneration, I'm guessing this is a separate problem.

I've spent a few days browsing your forums and the internet for answers, but to no avail.

I'm using:

BIAB 2022, on 64bit windows 10, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90, 12gb ram, M-Audio 192/4

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 02:13 PM
Can you upload the file so we can play it?
Posted By: dRoNe13 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 02:20 PM
Sure, could you please tell mewhich file, where to locate it, and how to upload it. I apologise, I'm not very computer savvy .
Posted By: dRoNe13 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 02:50 PM

I hope I've got this right,
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 03:34 PM
On first play this morning - no sound at all. WHAT? Then I remembered there was a big Win11 update last night. Sure enough it had changed my driver to WAS. As soon as I changed it back to MME , your song plays. (BTW, sounds a bit like Creep?)

I tried to listen for the drum fills. And they certainly were not prominate at the part markers. In fact I don't think they were playing at all? Duh, right.

Don't have an immediate answer. I will look a bit to see if there is some global turn off fills. Or someone else will see what is going on here.

[Linked Image]That looks right. I got it.

Attached picture Screenshot 2024-02-16 092941.png
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 03:42 PM
By the way, in BIAB2024 I can view the drum track audio and sure enough there are no changes in pattern at park markers which confirms for me that they are not playing. Still looking...
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 04:01 PM
Try this. I have to run now... There does seem to be a global "Turn Fills On/Off" and yours look to be mostly off. I turned them all on and seems to be working now.

[Linked Image]

Attached picture Screenshot 2024-02-16 095812.png
Posted By: dRoNe13 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 04:45 PM
DrDan, thank you very much for the quick reply, and spending your precious time trying to helping me out. Much appreciated.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 04:46 PM
Following on from Dan who has offered some great advice...

Click on a bar immediately before a part marker, and then open bar settings. The checkbox for "allow drum fill" should be selected. As far as I understand it, by default, this checkbox is not selected when it's a bar between part markers. When it's a bar immediately before a part marker, though, it should be selected.

I notice that you have the drums set to "Force simple arrangement". This could be impacting on what you hear. To turn this off..

1) Right click you mouse on the Drum track in the Mixer.

2) Select "Track Setttings" from the menu that pops up.

3) Click on "Force track to simple arrangement" to deactivate it.

Hopefully this will help.

Posted By: dRoNe13 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 06:48 PM
No 1 in the list you put up (Make sure that the 'Allow Drum Fill' option is checked)
Is this referring to the option when right clicking on a Part Marker (the first option at the top)?
Or is there a global option for this as well?

I've gone through all the Part Markers, and they all have the 'Allow Fills' checked.
Still no drum fill can be heard.

There's not much more I can tell you about my system, apart from
I have a M-Audio Oxygene Midi Controller, M-Audio Mic plugged in.

I re-checked my system info, It turns out that my computer only has 8gb of ram and not 12 as I originally thought.
Is 8gb of memory enough, I mean, would having only 8gb cause a problem such as this?
I imagine 'real tracks' suck up quite a lot of resources.

I restarted the computer, and made sure nothing else was running except Biab, unfortunately it made no difference, the problem persists.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 07:03 PM
For every cell you edit (redline) using (F5), you have to have the "allow fills" check.

I check all of them and I now hear fills with your song. I saved it and will send it back to you in a minute.

[Linked Image]

Attached picture Screenshot 2024-02-16 125754.png
Posted By: dRoNe13 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 07:25 PM
Thank you so much, this was the problem, everything works fine now, I can hear all the drum fills.
I'm so happy
Posted By: dRoNe13 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 07:26 PM
This handy to know, thanks
Posted By: dRoNe13 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 07:27 PM
Thank's guys, you truly are life savers.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 07:39 PM
My apologies - I may have confused you and me both. When I went back to double check, prior to sending the file to you, I noticed some inconsistancies. Some times a fill and sometimes not!
Here are the rules:
[Linked Image]
I would now need to remove everything in F5 and start again since I already made a lot of changes and they may not have followed the rules. So my suggestion to you is redo this and "follow the rules". If you see a rule which does not work, post it.

Attached picture Screenshot 2024-02-16 133402.png
Posted By: dRoNe13 Re: Drum Fill Problem - 02/16/24 08:00 PM
Thank you, I'll keep these rules in mind.
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