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Posted By: WendyM ACCORDION PLAYS CHORD TOO HIGH - 06/10/17 10:54 AM
Back again. In Bars 47 and 48 Ive got a sort of descending 'run' of chords which work nicely except that the Accordion plays the D/A too HIGH. It really sticks out and it would be much better if played an octave lower. I know its an RT but is there a way of telling it to play it lower or is it what it is please?

Posted By: Noel96 Re: ACCORDION PLAYS CHORD TOO HIGH - 06/10/17 12:43 PM

With Realtracks, it's necessary to regenerate until you obtain what you are after. With BIAB the whole track has to be regenerated. In Realband, however, one can simply select a region of track and get just that section regenerated.


You mentioned in one of your other threads that you used a DAW to modify endings.

If that's the case, another way to do what you want is to...

1. find the D chord you want in the accordion track (in your DAW)

2. turn on 'Snap to grid' to make it easier to line up copying the bar

3. copy the D chord

4. replace the problem chord with the one you've just copied

It will take a bit of fiddling around with but by using cross-fade, it's possible to mix and match parts of tracks. I do it regularly.


Posted By: floyd jane Re: ACCORDION PLAYS CHORD TOO HIGH - 06/10/17 03:27 PM

I tried your chord progression. Could not get that D/A to play low no matter how many times I tried.

But, you might find other chord variations that will sound okay and give you what you want.

D5/A gave me a "low" chord. D6/A did, too...
Posted By: WendyM Re: ACCORDION PLAYS CHORD TOO HIGH - 06/10/17 06:03 PM
Hello again Floyd. Yes D5/A gave me the right low chord but it lost the Bass A and plays a Bass D. But, hey ho, it sounds Sooo much better. Im keeping it in. Not reading music and no technical understanding I never thought about 5 and 2s and all that. Ill remember for next tiume.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: ACCORDION PLAYS CHORD TOO HIGH - 06/10/17 06:18 PM
I'm wondering if adjusting the lowest allowed bass note would help here, and allow the bass to go down to D. That might be a MIDI function only, though. Anyone know?
Posted By: floyd jane Re: ACCORDION PLAYS CHORD TOO HIGH - 06/10/17 06:54 PM
Originally Posted By: WendyM
Hello again Floyd. Yes D5/A gave me the right low chord but it lost the Bass A and plays a Bass D. But, hey ho, it sounds Sooo much better. Im keeping it in. Not reading music and no technical understanding I never thought about 5 and 2s and all that. Ill remember for next tiume.

Are you mixing in a DAW? If so, use Noel's suggestion on the bass track... find an A on the bass track to cut & paste at that spot...
Posted By: WendyM Re: ACCORDION PLAYS CHORD TOO HIGH - 06/11/17 10:10 AM
First my apologies to Noel and Matt.In my excitment to get this thing fixed I forgot to say Thank You.
Yes I mix in my DAW. I have opened RB and it scared me to death and promptly closed it again! Another learning curve.
Floyd,There is an clear A in the Bass track at a different bar and Ill cut and paste it in when it goes to DAW and give it a listen.I never thought of that. Thanks.
Wat I couldnt get was if I put D5/A, D6/A etc WHY didnt it play an A? I clealry played a D. Every time. Its a gypsy jazz track so id have thought the players were well up at the various nuances of chords that the style uses. My Bro wrote the chords out for me, im not that smart.
Matt, afaict the accordion is not a midi available track, no green line, and even if it was Id have no idea (yet) how to get that in instead of the RT.
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