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Posted By: T.S. Player BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 09:58 AM
I have been trying to use BIAB since 8/2017 and it keeps locking up my computer. The whole process works like this. I build the song,(I have used 6 different styles, results are the same) get everything like I want it, save it as either a .SGU or .MSU and play it fine. I am not making any changes to style at this time. Okay, them I open the song back up, in BIAB, and load it. It will play. Now, if I try to change the tempo, lets say from 85 to 90 the sound becomes distorted and BIAB freezes/locks up my laptop. I have tried contacting BGMUSIC support, sent them 3 song files, and to date, they are unable to find an solution.

My laptop is runnning Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, Service Pack 1 AMD 1.30 GHz processor, 4.00 GB RAM, (3.60 GB usable). I did an virus check, nothing found, I uninstalled the anti-virus software to make sure it wasn't an issue, have no other programs running in the background when I use BIAB.

Thanks for any solutions you might think of that I can try.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 10:30 AM
You already tried Return to Factory Settings, I trust?
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 10:32 AM
OK.... lets see if we can get a few answers

The laptop is capable and yeah, I'm pretty sure there's no virus issues. It's likely drivers and settings causing the issue. Once you get them set correctly, it will work just fine.

Be sure your audio diver settings are 16 or 24 bit at 44.1k. You have audio and midi buffers so see where they are set.... write it down and start adjusting them larger to start with .... a little at a time. See if that solves it.

What sound card and driver are you using? If you are using a built in sound card and the default (usually MME) driver, that could be the root of the problem. If you are using the factory setup, I'd suggest heading to the music store and buying something like a USB based Focusrite that runs ASIO drivers. Most music stores have a 30 to 45 day no questions asked 100% return/refund policy if it doesn't work.

Next.... see if there's any other service packs (SP) available and if so, backup the config first, then load the available SP. I have found that some issues with certain software packages have glitches in some but not all functions and a SP upgrade often will fix it. I don't recall the exact software..... might be my Sonar DAW, but running on XP Pro requires at least SP2 to be installed. You can ask PG support what SP level is required for your OS. When in doubt.... just upgrade to the latest SP.

You might also need to have J-Bridge installed. I think.... not 100% sure.... but it bridges things between the 64 bit OS and the 32 bit applications. I don't use it because my DAW is still running a 32 bit OS.

Hope this helps point you in the right direction.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 11:21 AM
When you change the tempo of your song, have you tried regenerating BIAB? What happens when you do that?

Are any of you tracks frozen?
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 11:31 AM
Right-click the icon on the desktop and select Run as Administrator. See if that makes a difference.
Posted By: jford Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 01:24 PM
Instead of uninstalling your anti-virus, I would just exclude the BIAB folder from your anti-virus scanning (after first scanning it to make sure there are no problems). And as Trevor (Videotrack) stated, set your icon to run as administrator. Yes, you'll have an extra prompt when you launch it asking if you are sure, but so what?

Another thing to try is to turn off fast generation. On the song settings screen, there is a check box labeled "This song has playback problems. Turn off fast generation". Yes, it will take longer to regenerate your songs (as it has to do the whole song before playback starts, just like in RealBand), but that might help with your problem.

Also, make sure you didn't install BIAB to the C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) folder. This will cause problems as well. The default location is C:\BB, but you can install anywhere (I install mine to C:\Apps\PGMusic\BIAB).

Also, you didn't say if you were running BIAB from your hard drive or from the external USB drive. If the latter, you might want to try a different USB port (not all ports are equal). It could be that the port is not providing enough power to run the hard drive. Previously, they used to ship hard drives with dual-headed cables (one for data, a second to plug into another USB port for additional power, but that wasn't the case the 2017. Also, if you have any other USB devices that you can do without, you might try unplugging them so as not to overtax the bus.
Posted By: T.S. Player Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 01:39 PM
Yeah Matt. I did a factory resett, reinstalled the updates, I even went as far as to uninstall and reinstall BIAB and then reinstal the updates again.

Thanks for the reply.
Posted By: T.S. Player Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 02:04 PM
No I have not tried to regenerate the song. None of the tracks are frozen. That is still too advanced for me until I get past the computer freezing up on me. I will give a regeneration of the song a try. Thanks for the reply.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 03:15 PM
T.S. Player,

Welcome to the forum and I'm sorry the advice so far is not helping.

Do you have DropBox, Box, 4shared or some other internet cloud storage location where you can store a copy of your song files and then post a link? It may prove useful to be able to download your song files so others can test your song files on their computer or look at them to see what's going on.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 09/21/17 04:24 PM
You can also set BiaB to always run as Administrator.
Right-click the desktop icon, select Properties, and follow these steps:

Attached picture 2017-09-22_05-22-18.jpg
Posted By: T.S. Player Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 10/03/17 12:38 PM
Thanks for the Welcome and the comments. Yes I have DropBox. I actually uploaded three files to the Customer Support and they couldn't fix the issue.
I have gotten side tracked from working with BIAB lately. Once I get back to working with the program I will let you know and see about uploading some files.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 10/03/17 02:23 PM
Also worth trying...

Hot keys for changing tempo are the square brackets. These can be used as given below.

[ = decrease tempo by 5

SHIFT+[ = decrease tempo by 1

] = increase tempo by 5

SHIFT+] = increase tempo by 1

These shortcuts can be used while the song is playing. It would be interesting to know what impact these have when you use them.

Posted By: jazzmammal Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 10/11/17 12:55 PM
Everybody is assuming your laptop is powerful enough to run Biab. It could be but give us the make and model of it so we can check out what it is. Also run Geekbench and give us the score. Here's the link:

You install this then run it.

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 10/11/17 03:35 PM
Report the single-core Geekbench score only.

The AMD processor looks quite slow. Bob may be right.

There are settings you can try in Options, Preferences, RealTracks for less powerful computers.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 10/11/17 05:50 PM
That doesn't matter any more Matt, here's how the new OpenCL score works:

That answered my question a few months ago when I tested my machine and came up with OpenCL of 3,765. That was a completely different number than I got using their old system and I had no idea what it meant. Now I know it's close to a new i7 Surface Book. The numbers are linear, they say doubling the score (from 4,000) indicates double the performance.

We'll have to figure out as time goes on if 2,000 for example is enough to run Biab properly.

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: BIAB Locks up my Computer - 10/11/17 08:16 PM
Oh - thank you Bob. I'll get the new version and try it.

EDIT: just tried the trial version on my spare PC. I got a single-core score of 1856. This is about as expected for an old Core 2-DUO. That PC runs BIAB fine, although I have the speed options set for a slow PC in Options, Preferences, RealTracks.

Maybe I misunderstood your comment, because it still reports a ton of scores, including the two notable ones of single and multi-core.?

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