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I am somewhat new to BIAB...Although I experimented with it years ago, I never spent the time necessary to fully learn it. I just purchased the 2021 version. My main interest in BIAB is to recreate some of the great, classic jazz recordings from the 40's, 50's and 60's and then learn and play the piano/organ parts over the chord progressions. I am currently in the process of learning the organ part to Richard "Groove" Holmes "Misty". This was one of my favorite jazz tunes growing up.

I have the chords that I can enter into BIAB, but the question I have concerns the guitar part. The guitarist on the tune is playing these comping chords over the down beats of each bar...mostly with a downward strumming technique. I feel like I can recreate the bass and drum parts with no problem just by choosing one of the basic Jazz Swing styles and doing some slight editing. The guitar part is a little more difficult. I feel like if I record the part through a midi keyboard, I won't get the desired effect. Does anyone know if BIAB has a built-in feature that can emulate this "strumming guitar" technique?

Thanks in advance,

Greetings demitch256,

Welcome to Band-in-a-Box and to the forum.

Band-in-a-Box is available in several packages. All the packages offer the same programs but different content. You failed to mention which package you purchased so we have no way of knowing what content is available to you.

Also, "Misty" has been recorded by many different artists. Do you have a particular performance you want to emulate? Do you prefer RealTracks, midi or don't care?

As a starting point, try RealTrack guitar # 937, acoustic, rhythm, JazzBalladFreddie sw 60 by Oliver Gannon.

Description: StylePicker "Misty" search
Attached picture Clipboard01.png
Hi Jim,

Thanks for the speedy response. I have the 2021 Pro version for Windows. I wish there was a way to attach an audio file here so you could hear the performance. You should be able to listen to it on Youtube. it's a particularly fascinating performance with Groove Holmes playing about 10 choruses of great solo organ. I have the 2 minute version (mp3 file from the original CD reissue) of the 45 that was released commercially back in the 60's. The stretched out version of Holmes organ solo is available on the album "Misty". The guitarist on the track is named Gene Edwards. He is basically playing the chords on the 1 and 3 of every bar and the song just swings like crazy.

I am just looking for a way to emulate this style of guitar playing so I can include it in some of my productions as well as practice along to it. I like MIDI because it is easy to edit, but I also love the RealTracks because of the realism and the quality.
I wish there was a way to attach an audio file here so you could hear the performance.
You can attach a media file to your reply by following these steps:

Attached picture 2021-01-13_12-43-12.jpg
Thanks VideoTrack! Appreciate the information.
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