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I want to use the band in a box application for Android, independently of my PC.
I understood that it was possible to store the song library on the android so that you no longer need to have your PC online.
But I couldn't find what storage directory to use on the phone, or how to tell the app to use it.
Could you tell me the procedure to follow?

Best regards
What app is this?
AFAIK android devices can't play SGUs and BB won't run on it.
Consider the uses case for the Android.

why do you wish to use Android and Biab?

Possible (not all) answers

1. Practice
2. Performance

I'm guessing these are the big 2.

My $.02
#1. Practice
BIAB is not my favorite apps for learning or practicing a tune.
Most of the times i use Ireal Pro.
Its designed for phones and there are mountains of tunes available for it.
Admittedly the "band" is a bit cheesey and you often have to change the chords and/or arrangements.
The editor is...tedious.
But if you just want to learn the head, or practice your singing its good enough for that. You can use it till you make your BIAB arrangement.
No, its not as good as what you can make in BIAB, but we are talking about PRACTICE.(allen iverson voice).

#2 Gigging.
There are many threads on this forum how to gig with BIAB created tracks.
I'd venture most (>50%) people are using 3rd party apps on IOS/Android to play mp3's at their gigs.
There are some users who still carry laptops to gigs and endeavor to use BIAB or some form of it live.
Many of us have tried this and found what we feel are better ways. To me, phones and tablets are it for gigging with biab tracks.

You may have a use case I did not consider.
I use the Reaband one occasionally (Android), but you cannot store the files on the phone, as RB files are way too large. I use it as a controller mostly, to start play/recording from the other side of the room .. I think you can pick songs on it, but they exist on the computer.
Not much help, except to verify the apps exist.
They're not on the Play/App Stores anymore. Probably required updating the app code and never got the attention.

There are a few config files in the BBHelper folder, taking a look at those may help if it is a folder location issue, at least on Windows.
And Mark Hayes' link shows there is a Download button inside the app that facilitates getting the BiaB files to the phone.
The Band-in-a-Box app for Android is not currently supported. You can export your song from Band-in-a-Box as an audio file, such as Mp3 or WAV, then import the audio to your phone. How to import audio can vary and it depends on your phone and what app you are using to playback your music.

thank you for your response.

Indeed I use the BIAB app to practice with a rhythm, even with an accompaniment with some instruments (bass, guitar) and I appreciate being able to change the tempo, the choice of instruments without having to regenerate the mp3 on my PC.

I also appreciate that I don't need my PC for the Android app to work. AND I have found that the BIAB app can work in standalone mode if the songs have been downloaded from the app for the first time (I'm just looking for a way to do it in bulk).

I do not know Ireal Pro and I will test this app.

Best regards
Originally Posted By: Riccoboni
I do not know Ireal Pro and I will test this app.

FWIW, almost all of my bandmates use iRealPro quite often for pracitce, occasionally for gigs. It's remarkably good for what it is. It's quick and easy to use, has a song index and playlists. I link it to my PA via a cable (bluetooth seems too perturb the playback).

BiaB can give a far better rendition, but takes far more work to do so.
Mostly I use BiaB for practice alone and iRealPro sometimes when we're jamming.
As a fan of BIAB and as a user who does not seek to multiply the number of tools to master, I still regret that PG music was not able to produce a good mobile app and forces us to go see the competition.
iReal Pro is $14.99. Between downloading mp3's created with BiaB and using the Android Guitar Pro app, I think I'm good. So, I'll pass.SongBook is a good app for Chord Pro files. It's $10.99, but I bought it a long time ago. Riff Studio is another useful app (Android and iPhone). I think I paid $3.99.

Riff Studio
Riff Studio lets you build a setlist of the songs you want to practice, set their pitch and speed independently and before hand, so you can focus on playing your instrument or singing along!

You can also adjust the song parameters at any time and in real-time: either set the pitch without affecting the speed, change the speed without affecting the pitch, or adjusting both together. The pitch will be set in semitones, and the speed as a percentage of the original speed.

It also provides bookmarking and A-B looping functionality to go through those difficult parts until you get them right. You can also use the quick-jump feature to jump back to the last point you started playing from in a song, seamlessly.

Besides from the in-app experience, Riff Studio also lets you save or export the adjusted songs to your device in MP3 format.

Riff Studio is great for musicians practicing songs that require alternative tunings, or that are too fast to play along initially, and will help them get all the way to 250%.

The user interface is clean and touch targets are large, which enables an easy interaction that doesn't require fine motor skills, so you can focus your dexterity on the instrument you are playing instead of on operating the app itself.

Riff Studio is in continuous development, eager for to user feedback and feature suggestions. Please shoot me a line at with your ideas!

- Pitch shifting - change music pitch up or down in semi-tones
- Time stretching or BPM changing - change audio speed within an ample range of the original speed
- Provides high quality time stretching and pitch shifting, back-ported to support older Android versions
- A-B looper - mark a section of the song to loop indefinitely and practice the hard parts
- Save or export your adjusted songs as MP3 format
- Free with no restrictions on this music speed controller
- No need to wait for your local audio to decode, being able to play it instantly with real-time audio speed and pitch adjustment. Slow down audio speed or change music pitch instantly for several audio format types.
Thank you very much.
Ireal Pro fully meets my expectations, and it's exactly the mobile application I expected from PG Music. Too bad it's done by another publisher.
don't be too hard on PG music for not having an updated app for android, look at it this way Ireal doesn't have anything remotely like Band in a box.

it really depends on what you want the app to do. For me to practice and Gig I like Jamzone. I don't use BiaB files in it rather i buy the song files from them. it works great i have purchased over 145 songs and have them setup as sets

To practice BiaB songs I just use my laptop.
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