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Posted By: WaoBand Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/07/23 08:35 PM
I recently purchased Synthesizer V Pro and the Natalie database, but it's so far been a disappointment as besides being charged more in £s than the given $ cost when according to current exchange rates the £ cost should be lower than the € - for some reason Dreamtonics don't give a GBP price - despite having read online and also in this forum that Synth V accepts WAV files I always get:
Format not supported; '.wav'
This occurs whether I select 'Import' or 'Import as Tracks…'

If others are importing WAVs then I must be missing something. Can anyone help?

Re the high price I paid I have contacted Dreamtonics, but as yet haven't received a reply.
Posted By: B.D.Thomas Re: Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/08/23 09:39 PM
Use "Create a New Instrumental Track", see attached screenshot:

[Linked Image]

Attached picture Clipboard01.jpg
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/09/23 12:12 AM
Hi Waoband.

Because of taxes and things, I also paid more in Australia than the conversion rate of the day suggested I should pay. To be honest, I have no idea what conversion rate is used, or how recent it might be, when currency conversion is determined at various online stores.

In relation to WAV files...

The "Import" options relate to the file that is going to be used to construct the vocal. This file needs to be a single melody line, MIDI file. Alternatively, it would be possible to create the melody using the Piano Roll editor in Synth V.

The WAV file is what will be used as a backing track. The track that is providing the accompaniment for the melody.

I notate all my songs' melodies in BIAB. So when I want to use Synth V with one of my songs, I do the following...
(1) save the melody as a MIDI file and then import this file into Synth V
(2) I render my BIAB backing to a 16 bit, 44.1 kHz WAV file and then create a "New instrumental track" in Synth V. Once the "New instrumental track" is created, a file browser window opens and you navigate to the backing track WAV that you want to load.

[Linked Image]

Just in case you haven't come across these sites yet, here are a couple of links that might be useful to you.

An unofficial user manual

A Synth V forum

I hope this helps.

Attached picture the two track types.jpg
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/09/23 03:17 PM
Keep in mind that Synth V has poor support in English. And, I haven't seen any sort of comprehensive manual/tutorial that is available. Your best bet to learn this is to watch some of the fairly decent videos on youtube. As I have learned, not everything is covered in those videos. When you watch them, be prepared to stop, rewind, and take notes. When you don't find the answer you need, you can always ask the folks here who use SV.

The user manual Noel linked is pretty good but basic. It really doesn't go into depth but it;s a good start.

Regarding the databases and the results you will get. It's not a magic wand that you can load up and get a Grammy award winning performance out of. To get the good stuff, you really have to work on the details of the voice, the note parameters, and all the little things that goes into that vocal performance. You can get it good enough to fool professionals but you have to work on it.
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/09/23 07:46 PM
Thank you B. D. Thomas, Noel and Guitarhacker for your practical replies, all of which have been helpful and for which I'm very appreciative. It looks like I've got another steep learning curve to climb!

I noticed on another old thread that someone wanted to know if notation could be created from a vocal recording and although there were a lot of replies no-one had a solution, but I also have a vocal track (WAV) I can't use in a recording without the singer's permission and alas she's nowhere online (her husband cancelled the project just as it got going) - she sings the 1st of 2 cycles of verses to a song I wrote this year so I've repeated that 1st set of verses to make up a prototype of the whole song but I now need the notation for Synth V Natalie to sing, though the human vocalist I've no way of contacting is superb and can't be bettered. But I did some research and there are these programs (and others) now available:
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/10/23 01:29 AM
Hi WaoBand.

In relation to the vocal recording... Both BIAB and RB have a tool that will convert a single note melody or instrumental to notation.

In BIAB it's called "Audio Transcribe" and it's found under "Audio" on the main men. It's also possible to use the "Transcribe" option found in Audio Edit in the "Edit" menu.

In Realband, it can be done using "Generate | Generate Intelligent Audio Harmony" then selecting "Transcribe Audio to MIDI".

I just tried creating MIDI from a monophonic WAV in both Realband and BIAB and it worked fine. I dare say that it won't be perfect but it will certainly give you a good head start that can be tweaked to get the vocal line that you want.

I hope this helps,
Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/10/23 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Noel96
Hi WaoBand.

In relation to the vocal recording... Both BIAB and RB have a tool that will convert a single note melody or instrumental to notation.

In BIAB it's called "Audio Transcribe" and it's found under "Audio" on the main men. It's also possible to use the "Transcribe" option found in Audio Edit in the "Edit" menu.

In Realband, it can be done using "Generate | Generate Intelligent Audio Harmony" then selecting "Transcribe Audio to MIDI".

I just tried creating MIDI from a monophonic WAV in both Realband and BIAB and it worked fine. I dare say that it won't be perfect but it will certainly give you a good head start that can be tweaked to get the vocal line that you want.

I hope this helps,

I'm going to try this when I get back in the studio. I have tried using melodyne with it's audio to midi feature.... but that is less than useful. I have used the harmony function in BB previously and it did a pretty nice job... so, I'll check to see how well it converts to midi. So.... even if it's close, that can easily be tweeked to get something useful.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/10/23 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Guitarhacker
I'm going to try this when I get back in the studio. I have tried using melodyne with it's audio to midi feature.... but that is less than useful. I have used the harmony function in BB previously and it did a pretty nice job... so, I'll check to see how well it converts to midi. So.... even if it's close, that can easily be tweeked to get something useful.

I've used it with a lead guitar line and with a female vocal line. Both gave reasonable results. I had to do some adjusting, though. I don't know how it works with a male voice.
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Sythesizer V Issue re WAV Files - 11/11/23 06:51 PM
I'll keep you and this thread posted, but I'll be slow progressing in part because I've other issues taking up my time.
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