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Posted By: pghboemike The Number Ones 21 pages and counting - 04/23/19 01:15 PM
The Number Ones is a column where where the author reviews every single #1 single in the history of the Billboard Hot 100, starting with the chart’s beginning, in 1958, and working their way up into the present.awarding each a grade, from 1 to 10.
by the aurhor's own admission a shameless ripoff of the British blogger Tom Ewing’s long-running column Popular , in which Ewing’s spent more than a decade doing the same thing with the UK charts.

scroll to the bottom of and work backwards
Wow - this incredibly interesting! I checked a couple out and bookmarked it - I can see myself losing a good hour to reading through these. Thanks for sharing smile
Very cool post Mike! Very interesting to see how music has evolved even from 10 years ago. Thanks for sharing!
That sounds really cool, but also really time-consuming! I will have to look in to this later. Thanks for posting it! grin
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