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Posted By: Joe -PG Music 4 Lead Guitar Techniques - 05/15/19 07:18 PM
Hi PG Forums,

For those who haven't seen this, Marty created a video detailing 4 lead guitar techniques you could use. I thought it was quite interesting and thought i'd share. Seen below:

Posted By: edshaw Re: 4 Lead Guitar Techniques - 06/05/19 08:05 PM
Good find, Joe. Thanks for posting.
Lessons such as this have earned Marty Schwartz a well deserved place in the You Tube guitar teachers' hall of fame.
As he said in the intro, his choice of the minor pentatonic is just that. The same ideas apply to any number of scales, including the favorite of myself and many other, the 1-3-5 and associated variations of the major and minor scales, otherwise known as the triads, (three note chords) and their inversions. Combining mastery of the fretboard, which I remain convinced is best attained by devotion to an in depth course in sight reading, though, to each his own, and a good feel for the theory of intervals, the student is enabled to produce pleasing runs, (formerly known as melodies,) vertically and horizontally, just as Marty has demonstrated. In addition, a unique alphabetical system permits the player to branch off from the basic framework, never getting really lost. Although, jazz musicians have replaced the alphabetical system with one based on degrees, the same principles may be applied.
Good going, Joe.
Posted By: Jim Re: 4 Lead Guitar Techniques - 06/11/19 01:05 PM
Interesting find...
Thanks for sharing.
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