Für die Band-in-a-Box Macintosh Version 2016 ist ein Update verfügbar:

Hier ist die Liste der Änderungen in 2016-152.

Fixed: Audio importing would fail.
Improved: If making a tempo map after using the Audio Chord Wizard, and the current style has a different time signature, you will be asked to choose a different style. If possible, you can choose to keep the current style, but the time signature of each bar will be set for you.
Fixed: Automatic updates were not working.
Fixed: Some VST plugins' GUI window would not close properly, and leave a ghost window on the screen (eg. the Expand!2 plugin).
Fixed: The Expand!2 plugin would cause all menus in Band-in-a-Box to stop responding.
Changed: The new hot key for opening the Record MIDI dialog has been changed to control+R.
Fixed: The "Piano, Acoustic, Bright Grand Sforzando" patch was missing from the Hi-Q list.
Fixed: "Could not load Hi-Q patch." would show if trying to load the "Organ, Electric, Rock Sforzando" patch.
Fixed: "Could not load Hi-Q patch." would show if trying to load the "Organ, Electric, Jazz Sforzando" patch.
Fixed: Clicking on the Guitar window would show notes on the Melody mixer piano instead of the Thru mixer piano.
Fixed: VST plugins that have been uninstalled should not appear in the plugin list.
Improved: Plugins can be chosen by double-clicking on them in the list, instead of having to hit [Return] or clicking [OK].

E. Leobacher
Band-in-a-Box German Forum Moderator and Translator