I just bit the proverbial bullet, (not for sale in Canucksville without an acquisition licence.)\

So, I bought for 99 canuck brown pennies, the app for android.

OK, 10 minutes and following the instructions it works.

I don't see when I am going to use it but it does work. Now add the actual melody line and maybe, or maybe not.

It was fun while it lasted. (That's a standard guess which one...)

Alors, so, if this over the hell (hill)? senior can make it work it's child's play for a real kid.

The wife says I'm sort of ok, so we go with that eh?

BTW, I understand the hockey team in Detroit, but in the freakin' desert??? Get over it and play sand golf.\\

Leave hockey to the great, frozen, dry, snow bound, chattering North. We invented baseball, basketball, hockey and lacrosse. I think the great yank game is grappling, or maybe that is greek. LOL.

John Conley
Musica est vita