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Did you know... You can speed up song entry by typing "K" at any bar (followed by Enter key)? This command instantly copies the last 8 bars to the current position. Plus, by adding additional keys in the K command, you can customize this shortcut (e.g. typing K12,3 would copy from bar 3 for 12 bars to current position).

For example, if you're entering a song that has a repeating section of chords for 8 bars, type in the first 8 bars of chords and then move to bar 9, and then type "K" followed by the Enter key.

The last 8 bars will be copied to bar 9-16, and the cursor will be moved to bar 17, so you're ready to continue with the tune. If you get to bar 25, and would like the chords from 1-8 to be copied to 25-32, type k,1 and this will copy 8 bars from bar 1 to bar 25.

Note: The chords always get copied. The Melody, Soloist, and Lyrics also get copied if these items are set in the Copy Chords and / or Melody dialog (Edit | Copy From.. To..).
Thanks, Callie. Didn't know about that keystroke. Ray
This feature was introduced in BIAB Version 9 (not Version 2009), which was released in early 2000.
That's awesome to know..thank you..
Great tips Callie, keep up the good really helps all of us.
Originally Posted By: Callie - PG Music
If you get to bar 25, and would like the chords from 1-8 to be copied to 25-32, type k,1 and this will copy 8 bars from bar 1 to bar 25.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe there's a typo in this part of the example - it should be "type k8,1..." and so on.
I believe the default is 8 bars, so if you leave out the 8 (and just type k,1), it defaults to 8 bars.
Originally Posted By: jford
I believe the default is 8 bars, so if you leave out the 8 (and just type k,1), it defaults to 8 bars.
If that's the case, the example is valid, but a) that rather vital piece of info isn't mentioned in the above instructions, and b) doing it with the full typing as I have conforms to the outline completely, i.e. is valid for any number of bars & desired location and doesn't rely on some unmentioned "default" parameters.
Or, in short: It's the proper way to do it wink
Not to be argumentative, and maybe it could have been stated more clearly, but the instructions do say:

"K <ENTER>" copies the last 8 bars to the current position.
"K comma number <ENTER>" copies 8 bars from the bar "number" to the current position
"K number1 comma number2 <ENTER>" copies "number1" bars from bar "number2" to the current position

So, while yes, it doesn't explicitly say that 8 bars is the default, it is pretty clear that if you leave out a number after the K (and before the comma), you're going to get 8 bars.
It's funny how the phrase "Not to be <insert anything>, but..." always results in a statement that completely contradicts itself. whistle

Anyway, I've no interest in turning this thread into an "I'm right!" battle, so I'll leave what's been said already to stand on its own without further argument.
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