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Okay, here's the deal. I have one chord progression that I've set a melody to, but I've actually created four completely different pieces of music based on the style being used with each piece. But here's where it gets weird -- in a couple of these tunes it sounds like a piano sounds like when you just leave the sustain pedal down. So the notes and chords are running together and it's making an auditory jumble. I don't understand why it's happening only with this these two tunes and not the others as well. There's only one affected track -- the melody track, which is not affected by style changes anyway. Right? I was thinking that maybe the style was causing it and there was something a little strange about the style, but how could it if the style isn't affecting the melody track? Or is it? I'm so confused. I've looked around in the menus some but this is a case of not even knowing what it is that I don't know if there ever was one.

I'm thinking there's probably a MIDI command that should have been issued at the beginning of the piece that maybe got misplaced somewhere?
I would try quantizing the melody (maybe at 97% or 98%) to ensure notes are properly cut off at the end. Don't save until you verify it works, so you can always get back to your original file.
Thanks John. I'll give that a try. Right now I'm knee-deep in a file that the Melodist just generated, so I might not get back to those two until tomorrow. But I'll let you know how things worked out.
There is a global setting in Biab to "cut off" overlapping notes. It is a check mark box in the "Arrange" settings under Options, if I remember correctly. Maybe that will help the sustained midi notes?

Overlapped notes (MIDI) are managed through the Piano Roll Context menu (right-click)

Attached picture 2017-11-11_13-12-10.jpg
Thanks for the updates, guys. I'll give your suggestions a try. Should take care of it. Of course I'm curious why it happened in the first place.

Figures it would be in the piano roll. Something I never use.
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