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Posted By: Don Gaynor KUDOS WHERE DUE! Gracias, Carlos and Ana - 07/22/12 03:00 PM
We have a recently admitted elderly patient who speaks absolutely no English, exclusively Spanish, so my nurse, Amy, devised a scheme whereby I would translate 15 medical phrases into Spanish to provide for his daily care. I enlisted the help of Carlos Eduardo Arellano from the Spanish BIAB forum who, in turn, recruited his wife, Ana, to provide the feminine touch and record the phrases in her sweet Spanish voice. Carlos then emailed them in mp3 format and I loaded them into my Dynavox Maestro speech synthesis device. We then gave copies of the numbered list to staff members who are directly involved with his care. You can't imagine the joy expressed on his face when he heard the staff communicating in his own native language. The fear, anger and apprehension simply melted from his face and he is now accepting his medications. I want to publicly thank Carlos and Ana for putting a smile back on a stranger's face.
Carlos and Ana, sadly, our friend Bob died today. Thank you both for making his final days more comfortable and happier.
our friend Bob died today.

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