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Hi, folks,

I did a song in biab with my own held ending c... two bar ending not ticked, and as I liked the realdrum I froze it. Plays perfectly in biab

However when I open it in RB the drum plays for 2 bars longer though 2 bar ending is not ticked in RB either.

Trying to get to the root of the problem I unfroze the drums in biab and then opened in RB and it plays ok now.

What am I doing wrong here, why will a frozen track in biab and then opened in RB not end right if its a held chord such as the above c...

Latest build of both biab and RB.

Thanks for any info.
They are not identical programs.

Remember; RB is actually Powertracks with BiaB features added. This is quite an accomplishment in and of itself. If unfreezing the track worked, you likely did nothing 'wrong'. They are very different programs (thank goodness).
RB is a multitrack recording software that supports most BiaB features. It does not support all of them.
If you like the drum track frozen in BIAB, then just render it to WAV and bring it into RealBand. Everything should line up then.

Or you could also try this. However many bars after the "C... hold" as you want the song to end, enter a "C7. rest" to rest the instruments. The chord has to be different from the held chord (hence C7), and you can choose whatever you want. See what you get in BIAB with that, and then see if it translates over into RB properly.
Thanks Rharv and John.

Rharv, your point about biab and RB being two different programs is very valid and does explain why this might happen.

John I had put the rest a few bars after the held c... chord in biab, but made no difference when opened in RB still druns played a few bars longer.

I actually had done what you also suggested and rendered in biab and then I have imported the drums .wav into Cubase for mixing.

I was mainly using RB to generate more realtracks, but was a little put off by the drummer playing on smile

Ah not to worry, all's well that ends well.

Thanks again gents,
I've sometimes had to render a track in RB that has been imported from BiaB to fix small changes that I've noticed between the two, even though the tracks were frozen in BiaB.
I guess these small quirks appear from time to time.
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