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Posted By: Anonymous Rests and silence - 09/04/11 12:23 AM
Is it possible to either a section for rests or a way to enter a measure of nothing that doesn't require something? I mean entering "C." to get silence is pretty close to "if you don't know why I'm mad I'm certainly not going to tell you".

Can't we just have something like

REST ON BEAT [1] [2] [3] [4] for [X] beats

and allow X to accept less than 1 values, like


to put an 1/8 note rest on the 3rd beat.

This whole "shot" and "push" thing is really clunky. I mean PUSH to PULL a note forward? I STILL don't know what a "shot" is supposed to be other than a rim shot or a shot of tequila. The term implies a quickly played note like a horn stab.

Syncopation is VERY hard to do with either BIAB or RB. A perfect example is one I was playing with today. If you imagine in your head the pickup on "I Fall To Pieces".... that's what I am talking about.

A measure of timing that would look like this:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +


where R is a rest and X is a chord. Starting a song on the AND after ONE is extremely difficult, especially in swing kind of styles.

It would be ideal that in the first measure of that example we could enter nothing and get a measure of silence, and that whole ^ or ^^ or ^^^ or ^^^^^^^^^^^^ thing to pull anticipated notes ahead and one period to make silence, especially when periods mean something else when used in other places is maybe not the best way to do syncopation and silence. What could we come up with for rests and syncopation?
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Rests and silence - 09/04/11 05:42 PM

In Real Band most of us simply hilight and cut out parts where we want silence.

Because RB displays each instrument in its own track, its very easy to silence one track without affecting anything else.

If you don't want to destructively remove it with a hard delete or cut, you can always go to piano roll and use a volume envelope to reduce volume where you want silence. That way if you change your mind you can change the volume and get your part back.

(Or, you can just regenerate that section if you DID delete it and you want it back..)

lotsa options.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Rests and silence - 09/04/11 06:27 PM
Pat, the rests are more important to me. I would like to be able to say "At beat one, insert an eight note rest." That would make syncopating the start of a song SO MUCH EASIER than doing it with the chord notation we use now.

I had to do this:

[C. ^^C | Dm C ] [F , nul | ^F , nul ]

to create syncopation on the pickup of this song. Country music is SO full of syncopation and anticipated notes that an easier method would be a boon.

Upside is that I can get it close enough. Just asking because for those of us who do know notation it would be easier to do it that way, and likely more accurately as well.
Posted By: carkins Re: Rests and silence - 09/11/11 10:40 PM
Excellent points Eddie.

Would be great to have a simpler, more intuitive notation for rests and holds etc which would let you enter a number(s) in there for each so I would at least have a starting point from which to add or subtract .5 or.25 to get what I/m hearing in my head into the program.

Maybe just a right click on the appropriate symbol and a box to enter the duration + or- would do it?

For someone like myself, who enjoys writing songs but with little formal musical training or knowledge,( can't read or write music except for chord tabs and pretty much play by ear when composing) something like this would be great.

If the current system is confusing to a trained/experienced musician like yourself, imagine the struggles for a "Musical Moron" like myself.
Sorry if that's politically incorrect but I feel that way sometimes trying to decipher some of the musical terminology.

I hear a song in my head and want the fastest, simplest way to get that song played in BIAB/RB with all the pauses and inflections or "feeling" the program can offer.

I'm sure, judging by the amazing things they've accomplished so far, PG can come to the rescue of MM's like myself and all the other's who love using their programs and just want to make them a little better.

Time will tell. (but is it 3/4 or 4/4 or ????????)
Posted By: jford Re: Rests and silence - 09/12/11 02:38 PM
For me, what's really needed is at least 8th note (preferably 16th note) resolution, as opposed to the quarter note resolution we currently have. I would love to also see rests/shots/holds be individually controlled for each instrument track (so I could hold the strings, shot the drums, rest the piano, and allow the guitar to play through).
Posted By: multitracker Re: Rests and silence - 09/13/11 04:34 AM

For me, what's really needed is at least 8th note (preferably 16th note) resolution, as opposed to the quarter note resolution we currently have. I would love to also see rests/shots/holds be individually controlled for each instrument track (so I could hold the strings, shot the drums, rest the piano, and allow the guitar to play through).

Totally agree with this John.

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