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I've wanted this for a long time for RealBand. I still use and like many of the included audio effects but they can be quite hard to use precisely. The ones that require the user to click on a clock hand to set the value only get you in the general ballpark of the setting needed. Could you please allow a numeric entry for audio effects settings like reverb, echo and many others. Thanks.
Echo, Dynamics and many others do allow you to click on the displayed numbers and type in values.
Reverb does not though.
Many reverb plugins are like that for some reason.
yes it is hard to get accurate by turning the knob with your mouse, you should be able to click on the caption and change it manually but they didn't do that in the dly^.exe.
You can try or or
to change the sensitivity of you mouse, so you move the mouse, it should have a hot key you hold while moving the mouse.

as well you can use an autohotkey I found here
just run the auto hot key - right click on the little H in the system tray at the bottom right - Edit Script - copy and paste the script below overwriting the current and save - right click on the little H in the system tray at the bottom right - Reload Script
by pressing ctrl + shift + m (toggle fast slow) (change hot key ^+M::)
you can change the mouse speed to give more precision

; 0x70 (SPI_GETMOUSESPEED), third parameter is the speed (range is 1-20, 10 is default)
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x70, UInt, 0, UIntP, Mouse_Speed_Orig, UInt, 0)

Mouse_Speed_Slow =1
;Mouse_Speed_Slow := Mouse_Speed_Orig * 0.75
;Mouse_Speed_Slow := Floor(Mouse_Speed_Slow)
; Or directly set the speed: Mouse_Speed_Slow =5

; 0x71 (SPI_SETMOUSESPEED), third parameter is the speed (range is 1-20, 10 is default)
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x70, UInt, 0, UIntP, Mouse_Speed_Now, UInt, 0)
If Mouse_Speed_Now =%Mouse_Speed_Orig%
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x71, UInt, 0, UInt, Mouse_Speed_Slow, UInt, 0)
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x71, UInt, 0, UInt, Mouse_Speed_Orig, UInt, 0)

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