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Hello -- I had to reinstall 2016 Biab Mac on a new Mac, since my old Mac is dying off. Installed the 6 dmg's and did the requested updates.

When I load a previously working MGU, I get "_TBLZSLR.sty" not found, and my all the band styles (Blues for example) are all grayed out.

I've got OSX 10.9.5 on an iBook. Biab-Mac works fine on the other machine. How do I fix this? The installs all ran fine.

What happened is very common and to avoid such frustrations and time wasted to sync or install to another computer I use a programme called ChronoSync.

It can synchronize, backup, and create bootable backups to almost anything you can connect to your Mac: select cloud services, other Macs, NAS drives, external drives, PC's or anything you can mount as a volume. Even to iPads & iPhones using InterConneX!

You may not want to spend the money to purchase/have that programme.

In that case you could use the FREE SyncTwoFolders to simply synchronizes two folders. It supports synchronization across mounted network drives and it is a possibility to run a simulation showing in a log what will be done.


Of course there are other programmes to do the job and you should google or use MacUpdate to hunt those down for yourself. No doubt the PG gurus or perhaps PG tech could step in an offer additional thoughts and help.
As w has indicated, if the program works fine on one computer but only partially works on a second computer, it sounds like not all the necessary components were installed on the second computer.

Did you get any upgrades to the program over the years?

For example.... if the program was first bought in 2015 and then updated in 2016, it's necessary to install the original 2015 software as well as the 2016 updates.

With Windows BIAB, I've always found that the easiest way to transfer the program is to copy the whole BIAB folder from one computer to the next. Once that's done, I simply install the latest version of the program with the 'minimum install' option.

Because the program is large, it takes time to copy everything. It's only got to be done once, though.

Hope this helps,
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