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So my poor student... after a month of not seeing him he's complaining how hard it is to "come in on a song"

For some reason when I export as audio (something I've done LITERALLY a thousand times) now the click in drum sound, that is there when I am using the program directly, does not render with the track?

Okay! Crap... well I'll keep looking around... I don't get it.
dunno if this helps mac fans..but if you need drum lead in just use a real drum from biab.
eg 4 bars use d.d in all the bars...this will play only drums....good for drum solos too.
experiment !
What version/year of Band-in-a-Box are you using, and what is your build number? You can check for the build in Band-in-a-Box, under Help | About Band-in-a-Box. Afterwards, near the top of that window, it will have Version 20xx and a number in brackets - what is that number?

Please cross reference your build number with the builds posted here. If the number is lower than the latest build posted for your version, then you should download and install the latest build update, then see if that helps:

After installing a build update, please open your Style Picker and click the Rebuild button; do a fast Rebuild.
Yes sorry... 2021 latest build. 509. I had already rebuilt the list.
Yup.... still doing it... when played from the program the click in is there... when rendered to a m4a it is not. :-(
Hello Yendog,

Have you tried going to the .WAV button that looks like a blue floppy disc with a microphone over it, and then going to "Render Tracks to Audio with Options", and making sure the 2-bar lead in is checked? Also you aren't by chance choosing not to render the drum track and only, say, the guitar or bass for example? If so, the lead-in is recorded into the drums, so if you're not using drums or rendering your drum track, they would be absent.

If these are not the culprits, it may help to go over the specifics of your package details with you. Due to the personal nature of account information and in the interest of your privacy, we recommend e-mailing so we can have our wonderful and helpful technicians look into the specifics of your program and package type and dig a bit deeper into what may be causing the issue via e-mail.

We are always happy to assist!
So it seems like its cause this is a bluegrass track and no drum track. This was NEVER a problem before 2021 as I have rendered hundreds of bluegrass tracks... the click plays when in the program but not when I export it.

Originally Posted By: Yendog
Yes sorry... 2021 latest build. 509. I had already rebuilt the list.

Thanks for letting us know it's the 2021 version. The latest build is actually 511, posted here:
After installing, please open your Style Picker and click the Rebuild button. You can do a Fast Rebuild.
Okay.. well sucks that the new build doesnt come up when one "checks for updates" but okay.. I did the download and rebuild. And the click track intro still does not happen with the export
Again.. it plays INSIDE the program but when I export it it is not there anymore. My original thought would be "well there is no drummer in the track when instruments are playing"

But... obviously that is not it as I have literally exported hundreds of bluegrass tracks and the lead in click was there.

Please help! I teach a LOT of bluegrass and need this to work.
Originally Posted By: Yendog
Okay.. well sucks that the new build doesnt come up when one "checks for updates" but okay.. I did the download and rebuild. And the click track intro still does not happen with the export

The builds tend to be one behind within the program, in the event that a build introduces a potential new bug so that it doesn't roll out to everyone if something is caught that our beta testers and ourselves might have missed - but they are always available on our website under Support right away. That being said, at this point, I do recommend e-mailing in to with your issue so we can go over the details of your account with you and get you the best help possible. Our technicians are always happy to help!
Ugg... okay.. crap.. I'll try tomorrow. thanks
Hi Yendog, what style were you using? This issue came up recently through email and the user sent us a song file, and the particular style they used didn't have a count-in.

Try using the style _ACBLZ1 if you have it - that style doesn't have drums but still exports a count-in, so I think it's a glitch with whatever style you're using.
I tried multiple different bluegrass styles.... the most recent being _BG_BDBS.STY

I'll look for the one you mentioned... I was able to get my student the backing tracks by going to my laptop which I have not upgraded to the newest build (and I definitely WON'T until this gets fixed)

But hopefully there is a fix coming for this like soon soon? crazy
Yea man... you are right.. I did a test render with that _ACB and the count in did render....

Boy we really need this fixed ASAP. I'm at least very glad to know that it is a known problem.

Thank you!
Originally Posted By: Yendog

I'll look for the one you mentioned... I was able to get my student the backing tracks by going to my laptop which I have not upgraded to the newest build (and I definitely WON'T until this gets fixed)

We advise updating to the latest build because even if it does not contain the particular fix you are looking for, there are always other bug fixes that could help you out in other areas. If you email us the Styles that you have found this issue in, we can look into your issue further. Please email
Originally Posted By: Yendog
I tried multiple different bluegrass styles.... the most recent being _BG_BDBS.STY

I'll look for the one you mentioned... I was able to get my student the backing tracks by going to my laptop which I have not upgraded to the newest build (and I definitely WON'T until this gets fixed)

But hopefully there is a fix coming for this like soon soon? crazy

I can confirm that particular style does not render a count-in, so I will report it to the developers. If you find any other styles that do this, please let us know!
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