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Running short-staffed because several have been turned away who displayed symptoms and we have a number of confirmed cases among patients.

My son is a Sheriff's Deputy in Washington State and reports that it has devastated several nursing homes in his area ( Marysville ) so, to my wonderful Canuck friends driving through on I-5 or 99, please take this very seriously.
Sending positive thoughts to you Donny all the way from Australia. Everywhere in the world has challenges, and we hope they get on top of your specific situation very quickly. Please be safe.
My thoughts are with you, Don. Scary stuff frown

My dad works in nursing and tells me constant threat is very stressful. I can only imagine how much that'd skyrocket with an activate case.

Stay safe everyone.
Unfortunately Don, I believe Covid is here to stay, at least for a long while.

Our executive branch screwed the pooch when they didn't take it seriously very early in the year. It hasn't "miraculously disappeared", nor will it.

I get really frustrated on the rare occasions I got out and see so many people not wearing masks. It seems they don't realize that masks are primarily for the safety of others, ... or they don't care. Maybe they also got that from our executive branch of ignorance, ... oops, meant government.

Every person who doesn't wear a mask in public is putting all of the people they come into contact with in danger.
Don, we all hope you can stay safe there!
I posted a self-updating map which shows the density of Covid cases around the globe. It started out looking like pox marks randomly spaced, now it's solid red.
I was afraid this would happen Don. My thoughts are with you. I was concerned that Covid-19 wasn't being taken seriously and was adamant that my elderly sister and brother-in-law stayed in New Zealand and didn't return to Europe. Thank goodness they did.

Now in Hong Kong, after dodging the bullet for so long, we are heading out of semi lock down status yet again. I think this is the 3rd wave by our standards. I've had to return to school and have students returning to class in a couple of weeks. I've been tasked with one-on-one testing of their reading. Scary, but at least everybody wears masks. I wouldn't mind a full hazzchem suit but it might terrify my little 6 year olds. :-) Do take care.
My mom works in a nursing home and everyone there gets test regularly. No outbreaks yet, thankfully. Stay safe!

They have a nurse posted at the one permissible entry door taking temperatures and questioning everyone before allowing anyone in including my Hospice Nurses. They come to my window and we communicate via cell phone to my desktop.

The food deliveries are allowed in, obviously, but we can no longer order pizza or other take-out foods.
Originally Posted By: Don Gaynor
but we can no longer order pizza or other take-out foods.

Life without pizza is something I don't think I could face.
Originally Posted By: eddie1261

Life without pizza is something I don't think I could face.

Some folks have to evaluate the reality of pizza without life.
The heckuvit is I don't think it would matter how we or anybody else handled this thing from the beginning. People no matter how motivated or enlightened they are are not willing to put up with the restrictions for months and months on end. Look at Europe now, look at Asia, it's coming back. Mexico and the rest of Latin America have not even begun to get a handle on it.

Initially yes, we all pretty much accepted the lock down stay at home orders from March to May. After Memorial Day is when it really started up again.

Months ago I posted a vid with Dr Osterholm and Keith knows him. He said it clearly then, this thing will keep coming back, subsiding, coming back, subsiding with no apparent reason for years and years regardless of what government says or does. And, that ASSUMES we will get a good vaccine fairly soon. He specifically said a vaccine is not like hitting some kind of switch. Great, we have a vaccine, now we can get back to normal. Uhhh, no. It doesn't work like that.

After all this time we cannot go through mandated lockdowns again, it just ain't gonna happen because people need to get back to work, try to save their businesses, kids have to go to school. The lockdown phase is over like it or not. We're in the "learn to live with it" phase now. Our world has changed similar to post 9/11 with all the security procedures. We now have permanent health related safety procedures we'll be following for the rest of our lives.

The really scary thing is this is just one new novel virus. The conditions that spawned it have not changed, those wet markets are still there along with many other possible spawning grounds for new viruses. A brand new one could crop up at any time.

You're right Bob, we do have to "learn to live with it".

What frustrates me though is how many people won't even attempt to do their part in that equation. Even though we have a statewide mandate to wear masks and social distance ourselves the majority of the people in our state go maskless and crowd you at the grocery store.

I've twice politely asked people to back up behind the red line on the floor that says "wait here" and they both acted as if I'd insulted their family lineage.

I'd be willing to bet that if I'd waited outside to see which vehicle they got into, it would have been one of the vehicles with either a MAGA bumper sticker or one the ones with a confederate flag in the back window.
What bothers me is how naive I was in April thinking people were smart enough to follow the procedures when the initial nationwide lockdowns started to be lifted for Memorial Day. Nope. Not even here in enlightened ultra liberal California. It's all about younger people now, the ones who supposedly are part of the enlightened crowd. They're smarter then us old farts, right? They have respect for old people and impaired people who are most vulnerable to this, right?


And this is worldwide in the first world countries. However, I spoke to a client of mine who called me from Macau, China. He's an airline pilot over there who's been in total lockdown for months. He said quarantines are enforced by PLA troops. Not police, troops. He said the PLA will station solders in front of your door if you're quarantined with the virus. They'll send troops to break up large gatherings too. If we all want to agree with those kinds of measures, fine we can have the same results as China.

Otherwise, it is what it is. In the Western world we believe in personal responsibility and freedom so we're free to totally screw things up.

After Memorial Day it became obvious to me that the country should just open everything up completely and let the chips fall where they may. If it turns into a total disaster, the hospitals are completely overrun with makeshift hospitals in parks and ships then, ok. The idiots will see that and maybe then will change their behavior and nobody needs politicians to be Captain Obvious about masks and large crowds. I never gave a damn what Trump said, I knew I needed the mask and the other things and so does anybody else with half a brain. My feeling is it wouldn't matter one bit if it was Trump or Hillary handling this. The same idiots will do what idiots do.

Those who are worried and concerned will have to protect themselves and the rest will gradually build up herd immunity and that's our lives going forward. The good news is there are much better treatments now, the doctors have a much better idea of what works and what doesn't even if there isn't one magic drug that just kills it yet.

Hi Don
Sorry to hear that the virius has entered your nursing home.
I have no medical training at all but a very important trial on Covid and Vitamin D defiency has come out of Cordoba Spain a couple of days ago and the results are pretty amazing.You may have missed it on the other side of the Atlantic so I put some links .Its the first Clinical Trial on Vitamin D defiecncy and Covid and here is the link that explains it.Your Vitamin D can be topped up over a few days with Vitamin D tablets as far as I know .I am convinced this research is accurate and its not quackery but solid science .Have a look and decide for yourself and I wish you all the best.Prayers for you ,Hugh

Here is a further link to the top college in my country Ireland
Hi Don ,
Again I meant also to say the results are pretty amazing from the Vitamin D defiency trial urs Hugh
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