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Posted By: Tom Juarez retooling hybrid style creation - 06/19/08 11:24 PM
I love the styles that BIAB has and I realize that they're the "backbone" of the program in some ways, but I inevitably find myself cherrypicking parts and creating hybrid styles for each song I create. As it stands now, each time I want to simply *hear* a different style part for an instrument alongside the parts for the current style I'm using, I have to select "create hybrid style" from the style menu, open the hybrid style box, open the style picker select a style for each instrument (usually all the same except the one), name it, save it and re-play my song. Doing this for each instrument is tedious and time consuming, so here's the method I'd like to see implemented:

I want e.g. to audition a jazz bass part for my rock song. I've already selected "ZZROCK" as my base style. I go up to the bass button above the on-screen keyboard and right click on it. A pull down menu appears which (in addition to the "assign realtracks" command) has a command like "change style for this instrument". When I click on that it opens the style-picker, and I select "ZZJAZZ" and press OK. Now my bass part changes to the ZZJAZZ part. I repeat for each instrument until I'm satisfied with the arrangement AND THEN I go to the style menu, pull it down and select a command like "save current configuration as a hybrid style"

This seems much more efficient and would save loads of time IMHO.

PS -while I have your attention- is there any way a "de assign realtracks" command could be added to the right-click menus under the instruments to put the parts back to MIDI as well?

BIAB is simply the best software ever created and I remain a loyal user/fan! Thanks and keep doing what you do so well.


Tom Juarez
Long Beach, CA USA
Posted By: Mac Re: retooling hybrid style creation - 06/24/08 11:14 PM
I think those are some useful ideas Tom has there.

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