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Just a thought. I wish there was more leeway on playing with the timing within a bar. If the beats per measure where higher than 4, say 8 or 16, it would provide more leeway for making timing adjustments. That would be great. Thanks.

This site has styles that will allow up to 8 chords per measure. Many BIAB users have used Bob's styles.
You can run RapidComposer in Biab as a vst, it will give you as many chord changes per bar as you like, but I have enough trouble playing 2 chords per bar.
You can load the RealCharts into RapidComposer ,use Sforzando and they will automatically change with the chord changes.
In the pic below they are just held chords.

Attached picture RC_Chords_Bar.png
I agree with StrumBum. Playing a chord on an 1/8 or 1/16 of a beat should be the norm.

Many years ago a program called Jammer allowed chord inputs at 1/8 or 1/16 of a beat. Jammer is not longer updated but it was ahead of BiaB at the time.

Note Jammer was/is only for MIDI as MIDI was the only available at that time. Today BiaB has more MIDI styles as well as RTs but inputting chords on the 1/8 or 1/16 of a beat should be the norm.
I agree. If you have the lead sheet for a jazz tune or a song in 6/8 or 12/8 and a chords is ment to be played on the and of a bar, it should be allowed. The push function does not help at all.
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