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Create 32 bar song
accept default 3 repeats
created soloist

soloist>edit soloist track>form>erase soloist from middle choruses

Soloist plays all through when I click play so I click Generate and Play

Soloist still plays all through.

Song repeats were set by software default3x chorus - NOT inserted with right click on bar Repeats/Codas/1st&2nd Endings


The "Edit soloist" functions that you've used are for MIDI soloists. If you have a Realtrack soloist happening, these settings will have no impact.

To set silence it's necessary to enter into bar settings and make adjustments there.

1. Right-click on bar 1 on the chordsheet and select "Bar Settings". (I'm assuming this is the first bar of your repeated section.)

2. Set soloist to "Mute". Make sure to apply this to Chorus 2. (The "select chorus" option is at the very top of the bar settings window.)

3. Now set the soloist to "Back to normal" on bar 1, chorus 4.

4. Now regenerate and play.

If you have Realtrack soloist, this will do the job.


Thank you Noel96!
Perfect! I would have been a long time finding that out...
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