Fro the record, I have yet to find a multitrack audio/MIDI software platform that does not A) require you to learn how things are done in that particular program (and ALL of 'em do the same things differently) and B) does not occasionally present a problem to me that stops the creative juices and requires me to change hats. Which can be frustrating to do, as you generally always lose the creative thang you were after at the time.

I've also never encountered any of these programs where, provided it is my first experience with the particular program, anything serious could be accomplished on that first run. I used to always tell people that you've got to be willing to spend the time and "shake it down" before starting any attempt to work on your masterpiece. Try putting together a dumb cover song or something, use that to work out any bugs and also to gain whatever experience is needed to make it work *before* you risk your creative work to the thing.

Or be frustrated.
