
I explained in my post, pgboemike; I think the new Elastique stretching is having issues in RB with generating tracks that have tempo changes. Since one of the cool things about ACW is ability to line up tempos to existing recordings pretty exactly (down to thousandths of a second) it lost some usability here. Unless this got fixed and I missed it. Previous versions have the full potential.

You're correct rharv, this has not yet been fixed. It's an important fix, both from the standpoint of the ACW useability and because the slightest tempo change, even a simple ritard at the end of a song, will cause serious problems when attempting to re-generate portions of any of the realtracks. I really hope PG is spending some time on this.


BIAB/RB 2018 PlusPak. Dell Inspiron23 running Win10, 12GB RAM, 2.5GHz i7, Presonus AudioBox USB interface.