Thanks guys.

The three political protest songs were mixed September 2010 with preliminary mastering. Jon had a video made for the "Tea Party" song and its on his brand new web site. Parts of it is still under construction.

Click here for TEA PARTY VIDEO

The video soundtrack has glitch in it. Jon realized he had a wrong name in his song lyrics. He realized the error on his second day of his vacation in Hawaii. I got a frantic call from Hawaii and he sent me the line he sang into his laptop computer mic in Hawaii. I had to replace the word "Goldman" with the wrong name in the lyrics. The video guy was waiting for the change. We did this change in a few hours.

You can hear the difference if you listen for it. The fix was done properly for the CD track. Just one of those things that happens during production progress.


Last edited by Producer Yoda; 12/17/11 05:29 PM.