

This is funny.

Last several go rounds, the complaint was about there being TOO MANY New Features with every release...

I’ve gotta admit, … I do understand where BBB is coming from. Up until version 2009, I’ve bought every new release. But every time I did, I sat there wondering, … “What the hell did I just pay a sh*tload of money for?”

It looks the same, … it acts the same, …… Maybe it should’ve been a free patch?

I get paying for new RT’s and RS’s, but I do have trouble paying for things that BIAB didn’t handle correctly and it’s now fixed.

If I take the position of the "Devil's Advocate", ... I also understand where PG is coming from. If people are willing to PAY for “fixes”, …why not charge them for them in the form of a “NEW VERSION” ??? Especially if you can do it TWICE a year and have faithful followers pay hundreds of dollars EACH to make sure they have the latest and greatest? Even if they can’t tell the difference between the old and the new! Also, you should make sure to financially punish the ones who don't upgrade TWICE a year!

I wish they’d just release new “versions” ONLY when they’ve made MAJOR changes and charge for RT’s, RS’s and Super Midi whatever on a separate basis.

Fixes to the program should be in the form of free patches. Not UPGRADES!

Unless of course you can get people to PAY for them.

But of course, ... this is just my honest opinion, ... or JMHO.