making money with ptw.
there are many many ways to make money with ptw.
and to help you buy more gear...LOL.
there are LOTS of people out there , (and i dont mean this meanly),
who would like to do a song or a demo.
but often dont have the patience for the work involved.
or they might have a pc but not have the patience to deal
with the right technology purchases etc.
in summary there are many niche markets....
to name a few.
1. doing song demos for people.
2. doing midi traks for people who dont know midi.
3. doing location recording.
for example if u have a nice powerfull dual core laptop ,
a few mics n a mixer , u could go to someones home n record his/her song.
4. arrangeing songs for people who have a rough song idea in their heads.
(someone i knew a few years back made a v good living doing this.)
5. selling your songs directly to consumers,
at markets. (ive done this in the past for fun.)
6. teaching music useing ptw (and biab) as teaching aids.
(for example mebe teach a class of youngsters basic music theory,
and the basics of songwriting.)
another possibility, helping people figure out how to play some popular songs.
(ptw's chord recognition feature would be usefull in this.)
7. teaching people who want to know midi, how to construct midi traks.
8. cleaning up/enhanceing other peoples songs.
9. recording peoples vinyl record collections and cleaning them up.
(this is very time consuming for lots of people.)
10. doing historical family documents.
for example some people want spoken word recordings of
a familys history for posterity.
11. audio books.
(ie..spoken word format of a book.)
another area is technical books possibly.
12. jingles. for ads.
and i'm sure there are many ive missed.
starting out you might have a local newspaper that allows "free small"
or "nominal pay" ads. or u could even have a website.
for example..lets say your a great drummer. you could use ptw to do nice live drum
traks for people. or..lets say your speciality is latin percussion ,
or your a great piano player or sax player, could use ptw to record traks for people.
via your web site.
another avenue would be to sell songs from your web site.
or use a third party web site.
as you can see..lots of niches.

one thing u might think about if u wish to make money with a studio is not to
locate in an area where there are loads of studios all cutting rates to attract clients.
another thing youll get is...."suchabody has XYZ fancy gear or ABC tools..".
my experience has been that typically folks new to recording will focus on
this question. there is an easy reply.
"theres more to it than gear. record a hour with me n form your own opinion."
i never recorded a zillion clients, but quite a few over the years n i found once they came in
n heard their traks play back, they were rarely unhappy.
it makes it easier of course if the talent level is high.
in fact ive found the more talented the easier it is.
when i was starting out i was upfront with people.
and weirdly enough people valued my honesty when i said i
was just starting out , but would work v hard to help them get their song or whatever down.
yes.there were stumbles along the way. starting out.
but mostly i found folks pretty reasonable.
if i screwed up, say on a trak, (eg recording a good take too hot or whatever..),
i would simply offer some free time to make up for the error.
be aware tho' its a LOT of work recording other people.
if your starting out, the best thing is to just record as many different types of talent as possible.
if your a youngster going to school, mebe start off recording the school choir or band
to get experience. or mebe friends.
or mebe the school neds some audio books.
mebe if your a university student the university needs some
spoken technical texts created.

if your new to midi. one thing that might help you develope is to become very familiar with
ptw's extensive midi facilities.
i know of no other product at such a low price with such extensive midi features.
once youve gained a lot of midi experience you might find
an extensive local market for creating all sorts of midi traks
for people. cos many folks find they dont have the time to learn midi.
then creating audio traks from the midi traks for people.

also...dont forget the tc helicon built in feature.
mebe another local market is clients needing back up vocal or some sort of choir traks.
mebe your a female with a great voice. useing ptw...
u could do nice back up vocal traks.

Another possibility (as i mentioned in a past post) is creation of "foley" special effects.
mebe there is a huge need in your area for the creation of special effects.
or mebe some local film companies need some special effects created for a film.

lots of possibilities. lots of market areas.
just some markets to think of.