

You said you had a story - and you sure did an excellent job telling that story - and another fine example of what can be done without a pro studio.

I have been looking to replace my old US-122 - and was looking at spending a little more money - but the US144MKii sure seems to do the trick for you.

Thank so much for sharing with us - it's a great inspiration.

Hey Rich...thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. I still haven't done a lot with the US144 yet, but I really like that it runs on USB power so you can take the computer anywhere and work on stuff. I've heard that it has to be the only device on the USB hub it's plugged into to avoid dropouts etc, but I haven't experienced any such problems. Lots of ram (2GB) in the laptop helps a lot, I also use an external USB hard disk for the audio files which frees up the main HD running XPPro. Still it rivals anything I've been able to do in our "big" studio; now I'm starting to wonder why I thought I needed to spend all that money.

Thanks for listening,