
Glad you're liking reaper. It is great right? The plugins are really great for sure. Great to hear all your positive news. I'm a HUGE hallowen nut and for a couple of weeks I put music aside and worked on my home haunt. Now that it's over, I'm thinking of redoing an older traditional country song I did some years ago. I think it'll be great with biab. Did you check out the one I posted a few weeks back? Look a couple of pages in- you'll find it. It's called It's love I'm fallin in. Not sure if I'm gonna whip up something new or double back for that older one. We'll see.


Hey Dan...you know I did listen to your song a while back and I really liked what you did. I didn't get a chance to leave a comment but I'll go back and revisit it. Everything you've submitted is so very well done in every area. Impressive stuff; you're quite the talented man.

I'd like to see some pics of your "home haunt" if you've got some. (Send to the email on my profile page) We live in a big subdivision (over 300 homes and three schools) that's a "hatchery", as one friend put it, with tons of little kids coming around with their parents at Halloween; little tiny tykes in their costumes, wide-eyed incredibly cute kiddos. My kids (22 and 26!) love giving out treats. I think they're re-living the experience of Haloween vicariously.
