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“Chat PG” - AI powered BiaB documentation using natural language queries

This uses a knowledge base of the online BiaB manual. And you can query it with natural language queries. Right now it just has the BiaB 2023 for windows essentials manual, and so it has no info about sales, or styles disks etc.
btw) It uses OpenAI “under the hood”, but is just accessed from our web page.

We can easily add lots to the knowledge base so that it can answer more questions. For example, we could “feed it” our FAQ and other knowledge documents.
We could also allow interested users to submit FAQ style question/answers or just knowledge points that they want added to the database. ‘For example, now it doesn’t know how to answer what XPro vs Xtra styles is, but it would when we tell it that.
It retains a log of questions that were asked, so we’d be able to see what questions it was missing to improve it by making sure the answer is in the documentation.

But for just having the essentials manual, it does a good job on most questions (maybe 70%), at least better than the current “search” we have that just uses Google to find web pages with key words. At least this answers a question or says “I don’t know”
This is great news. Especially that it is extensible and allows the feeding of knowledge documents.

As a test I asked it "How do you run multiple instances of Band in a Box? And it said it didn't know the answer.

I have an MS Word and PDF file that explains how to do this. But this forum won't allow me to upload them. Attached is a snippet of the file.

Over the coming months and years it should become quite smart, indeed a 21st century users manual smile

Attached picture Screenshot 2.jpg
Cool stuff. I just asked how to print 5/4 time songs ... and got detailed instructions. Way to go!
This is very cool! You may have to try your question several ways in order to get a helpful response! For example, I asked,
what are sour notes

and Chat PG said,
I don't know what you mean by "sour notes." Can you please provide more context or clarify your question?

then I asked it this way,
How do I fix sour notes

and Chat PG said,
To fix sour notes, you can use the "Fix Sour Notes" feature. This feature automatically corrects notes in polyphonic audio. When a chord is played with multiple notes at once, this feature can fix certain notes within that chord so that the note won't clash with the chord progression or other tracks. In the dialog, you can select one of the rules for the auto-fix.

So, don't give up if your first try yields no results!
Nice job, Peter!
Nice: Since it is OpenAI-based, it works with any language - questions and answers.
Thanks Peter, very helpful.
It's certainly much faster than looking in the manual for the answer. And when I'm working on a project, time is important.

I ran a test and it was back with the answer in 3 seconds. Very nice.... I wouldn't even have found the table of contents or the index in that amount of time let alone turn to the page indicated, find the answer and read it.
Can we apply this fast AI powered results to programing the wishlist into action ?
I tried the ChatPG interface a while back and was pleasantly surprised by the results.

Rather less so this time when I'm really trying to find an answer:
how to set up mixed-case roman chord notation in band-in-a-box

To set up mixed-case Roman chord notation in Band-in-a-Box, you can follow these steps:

Open Band-in-a-Box and go to the Preferences menu.
In the Preferences menu, select the Chords tab.
Under the Chord Display Options, check the box that says "Display Roman Chords in Mixed Case."
Click OK to save the changes.

By enabling this option, Band-in-a-Box will display Roman chords in mixed case, allowing you to differentiate between major and minor chords more easily

... which sounds rather helpful, except that I think one can't do as it advises.

Can that really be done, are the instructions somehow skewed, or is the AI making it up as it goes along?
And I couldn't help but notice you said it this far only knows about the Windows side of things...
chatPG enhanced!

Updated chatPG

- Uses full BiaB User's Guide (Mac and Windows), plus other current sales information from the website

- Context of discussion is remembered, Follow-up questions are answered in the context of the current conversation

- Responses are formatted (lists, paragraphs, line breaks

- Multi-line input allowed (e.g. shift+click)

- questions are shown above answer.

- Links are included in responses when possible

- Option to select your OS (windows or Mac)
We’ve enhanced the chatPG and have a thread to discuss the new version…
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