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Posted By: tributeman email to the Queen - 02/20/10 10:52 AM
Just wanted you all to know that Ive emailed the Queen (Elizabeth11) asking her to grant knighthoods to some of the forum users on here (you know who you are).This is for their charity work in helping poor newbies like me (and others you know who you are) with their questions which at times seem as basic as it can get.The help is always given with "love"and "understanding" to such a poor men/women starting out on such a journey.So who knows it might now be Sir Mac..Sir Matt etc..Cheers Frankie
Posted By: rharv Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 01:59 PM
Just what Mac needs, another all-knighter
Posted By: MikeK Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 03:43 PM
LOL@rharv !!! Good one!!!

But, I do agree with Frankie 100%! Go ahead and email Obama as well. Why stop with the Queen?

Posted By: John Conley Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 04:06 PM
Good thing none of them are Canadian. It's illegal to get bee nighted which is a tad weird seeing as Liz is on all our money and stamps and has a freeway named after her along with 20,000 schools. Well so you have an idea how old I really am my younger sister went to Princess Elizabeth Public School, which is still open today with the same name. And of course the Queen Victoria Hospital, alongside the Queen Vic Tavern. The first is now just called the Vic the latter the bucket 'o blood.

I have to rewrite the words to a Bobby Darin ditty, so It's Mac the Knight.

That says Nicht.
Posted By: Mac Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 04:12 PM
I hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.

Therefore, even in the unlikely event that she ever offered the title, I'd have to refuse it.

But the sentiment given here is much appreciated.

Thanks, tributeman!

Posted By: Pat Marr Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 04:45 PM

I hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.
Therefore, even in the unlikely event that she ever offered the title, I'd have to refuse it.
But the sentiment given here is much appreciated.
Thanks, tributeman!

Mac, it may be true that all men are CREATED equal, it has not been my experience that everybody DEVELOPS equally. In the final analysis (whether due to upbringing or personal diligence or intellect or talent or motivation or whatever) some people end up shining brighter than many others.

If knighthood was the only way of recognizing that brightness, I'd have to agree that your name should be on the list. In more than one way, you stand head and shoulders above many who profess to be experts in the same fields as you.
Posted By: Mac Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 05:36 PM
I *knew* someone would have to come along and say that...

Knighthood, however, is not entirely an academic accolade.

Posted By: Pat Marr Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 06:35 PM
OK then, in the spirit of RHARV, we collectively nominate you for...

You can be known as SIR JAMSALOT

Posted By: Schnazola Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 06:49 PM

(The longer the groan, the better the pun, but I still think you should be banned for a day.)
Posted By: John Conley Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 07:21 PM
Now on the forums … sunndy mornin’ …

Lies a problem bigger than life …

And someone’s posting 'bout chords and hardware,

Could that someone be Mack the Knight?
Posted By: Schnazola Re: email to the Queen - 02/20/10 08:10 PM
I must admit, I'm in awe of Mac.

You and Finley ain't too shabby, either, John.
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: email to the Queen - 02/21/10 01:16 AM

Could that someone be Mack the Knight?


(dang, I hate it when other people get the good ones before me)
Posted By: John Conley Re: email to the Queen - 02/21/10 03:07 AM
But I'm way months. More punnage under the bridge.

That has me falling down here in London.
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