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When I play a song on BIAB 2024, the red dots that used to fill every note as it was played are there sometimes and other times missing completely. Very inconsistent. I need help to correct this annoying problem. I want my notes colored red as a song plays!

Jerry Krouse
Originally Posted by natcheztoo
When I play a song on BIAB 2024, the red dots that used to fill every note as it was played are there sometimes and other times missing completely. Very inconsistent. I need help to correct this annoying problem. I want my notes colored red as a song plays!

Audio Track,

Thanks for the advice to contact I am sure that you were tired of trying to "educate" me about the BASS apparently being the default instrument when I open a song in BIAB 2024.

I contacted about that and about the intermittent and/or non-existant RED NOTES that should color the melody notes on playback.

I have had a lot of communication with them and to this point neither has been solved. I have over 200 songs in BIAB, and I cannot believe that I have to endure those two problems forever when I am working on songs. They seem to be saying that I will have to click on the box showing BASS every time I open a song and manually change it to the MELODY instrument.

Thank you for your attempts to help.

Jerry Krouse
Jerry, about your Bass default, I'm surprised that Return to Factory Settings didn't clear that up. Bass has never been the default for the playback indicator. But if somehow it is on your system, and you get intermittent red dots, I wonder if the register is the issue. Two things: 1) bass plays one octave lower than it appears, and 2) you can change in the settings for what the lowest playable note is. Perhaps some notes are too low?

I do realize you don't WANT the bass to be the one with the red dots, but this might explain why you see what you do.

Thank you for wading into the quicksand that has dispatched everybody before you.

Concerning notes being too low, when I enter a song on BIAB, I virtually never use bass notes. I have a poor sense of meter and trying to coordinate my left and right hands are a bridge too far. So, bass notes being too low cannot be the issue.

RE: "I do realize you don't WANT the bass to be the one with the red dots, but this might explain why you see what you do."

Again, the BASS notes are not present. The ONLY thing I want to be RED are the individual melody notes on playback. The two issues are: RED NOTES and songs opening with BASS selected as the default instrument for virtually every song. One has nothing to do with the other.

I am exasperated and not getting the help from that I would expect. In the old days they would actually get on the phone with you and walk you through problems. I cannot remember if they ever took control of their customer's computers and corrected problems. Either of those are superior to opening a chat session where the moderator seems to be servicing several customers with problems at the same time or reporting, by email, problems to

Right now, I would be happy to have my old BIAB 2020 back.

Based on the above, if you have any suggestions, i would love to hear them.

Kind regards,

Jerry Krouse
Hi Jerry,
By the playback indicator do you mean the notation view? If so mine also goes to the bass first and never any other track. I thought it was because the bass is the first track. If this is the case I will support a wishlist thread.

Again if in the notation view the red notes here are always OK.

If you are not in the notation view please let me know where you are running into problems and I will try to duplicate them.
Note heads changing to red as they play works here, and always has. Are these the 'Red Dots' that you're referring to?

[Linked Image]

Attached picture RedDots.gif
Do you have this setting under Notation Options:

[Linked Image]

Attached picture 2024-02-16_9-53-37.jpg
[quote=MarioD]Hi Jerry,
By the playback indicator do you mean the notation view? If so mine also goes to the bass first and never any other track. I thought it was because the bass is the first track. If this is the case I will support a wishlist thread.

Yes. This is exactly what is happening.

Again if in the notation view the red notes here are always OK.

I just went into the NOTATION WINDOW OPTIONS and the HIGHLIGHT PAYBACK NOTES IN RED is, IS, checked. But, on playback it is hit or miss or intermittent.

Audio Track:

Note heads changing to red as they play works here, and always has. Are these the 'Red Dots' that you're referring to?

Yes, that is exactly what I am referring to.

I went into the NOTATION WINDOW OPTIONS as you directed. The HIGHLIGHT PLAYBACK NOTES IN RED is checked.

Strangely, a few songs seem to work correctly on the RED NOTES.

Chantelle/Ember, BIAB techs, told me to reinstall the program, which I am planning on doing as soon as my IT guy has time. I don't have any confidence in this working, but I shall try.

Do you have any other suggestions now that I have confirmed that the correct box is checked?

Hi Jerry,

I don't really think reinstalling is the answer either, although you could test a "fresh" install by running the program installer (bandinabox_realband...exe) and installing it to a folder like C:\bbtest. Just run that one single installer, not everything else, and then run bbw64.exe from that folder.

We should test if it is a song specific issue. You mentioned that not all songs have the problem. Please send us one or two song files that have the problem on your system, and describe what you see with those song files (e.g. "on bar 6 the notes were not highlighted"). We will try it on a few different systems and see if we can duplicate it.
While I am searching for answers, here is another. I did not insert the REVERSE FINAL BAR LINE into my song between bar 3 and 4. It, just like so many other nuisance demons, just popped into my song. BTW, this is since I installed BIAB 2024.

Will somebody please tell me how to get rid of this thing. i have asked the MS EDGE AI (Copilot), who always answers but does not always solve the problem, and followed the instructions which did not get rid of the bar.

I also tried ChatPG, but half the time it gives an error message:

I tried to insert an image with this post.

Jerry Krouse

Attached picture Screenshot 2024-02-16 133837.png
Do you have a Repeat starting at that bar? Check the chord sheet window.
While I am searching for answers, here is another. I did not insert the REVERSE FINAL BAR LINE into my song between bar 3 and 4.
Please consider starting a new thread for different issues. Mixing issues in the same thread makes things difficult to track for us volunteers.
Originally Posted by natcheztoo
I went into the NOTATION WINDOW OPTIONS as you directed. The HIGHLIGHT PLAYBACK NOTES IN RED is checked.
Strangely, a few songs seem to work correctly on the RED NOTES.

Do you have any other suggestions now that I have confirmed that the correct box is checked?
Two things:
Ask your IT Computer colleague to measure some performance characteristics while a problem song is playing. Ask him to check out CPU loading, Memory resources etc, Disk I/O values. The Audio engine in BiaB has to work in real time, other functions including graphics updates could run in lower priority threads and may not always complete if the CPU processing resources are challenged. Feel free to discuss this with your IT colleague.

What type of computer are you using? Is it a recent model with a really fast CPU or something older and perhaps slower?
Audio Track,

My IT guy checked everything you said above - after we reinstalled BIAB 2024 Build 1109 - and said we pass on things except one. That one is possibly the speed of the CPU. We are looking into a way to speed that up or replace the computer even though we are not sure the present one is slow and might be the culprit.

I am not whining. At least not too much. I have money to burn, but I just don't like the smell of smoke. I worked really, really hard, ran two businesses, and did well in investing. Considering the $260.00 upgrade cost and the fee my IT guy charged to install 2024 the first time and the second time, I am into the 2024 BIAB update at nearly $1,000.00 USD.

I am pretty old and there are not many things I like to do other than fool with my songs on BIAB. I guess I can limp along and accept all the problems and limitations that BIAB brought, but I surely don't like it. If I buy another computer (the one I have now functions perfectly for all other applications), that will add another $2,000 or more to the nearly $1,000 I have spent so far.

But, in the end, if all goes well and I can use BIAB 2024 build 1109 fairly well, I will not complain.

Jerry Krouse
Originally Posted by natcheztoo
Audio Track,

My IT guy checked everything you said above - after we reinstalled BIAB 2024 Build 1109 - and said we pass on things except one. That one is possibly the speed of the CPU. We are looking into a way to speed that up or replace the computer even though we are not sure the present one is slow and might be the culprit.
Others are not enduring the issue you are seeing, so I think it's important to go through the process of elimination if possible.

You are actually able to install BiaB on another computer simultaneously, so if another one was made available, a test could be made to see if the issue occurs on another machine. There should be no need to even actuate the license as it will run for 30 days without actuation.

That should give you the opportunity to narrow things down an see if your computer might be the cause.

Thanks for dropping in.

My IT guy accomplished the reinstall and, as you suspected, all the problems remained static or the same.

Now, about this:

"We should test if it is a song specific issue. You mentioned that not all songs have the problem. Please send us one or two song files that have the problem on your system, and describe what you see with those song files (e.g. "on bar 6 the notes were not highlighted"). We will try it on a few different systems and see if we can duplicate it."

I am perfectly willing to share my wonderfully, creative, inventive, music with you to further getting to the end of this sorry tale. The question is: How do I do it?" I managed to upload one screen snip, which you addressed. How do I upload the song files and get them into your wise and knowledgeable hands?

And, Andrew, about my previous problem you addressed:

"While I am searching for answers, here is another. I did not insert the REVERSE FINAL BAR LINE into my song between bar 3 and 4. It, just like so many other nuisance demons, just popped into my song. BTW, this is since I installed BIAB 2024."

I solved that problem, but it was two or more hours of unmitigated misery pecking here, clicking there, using AI, copying correct bars from other parts of the song and pasting them in, and finally, it is mostly corrected. If I had to tell you how I accomplished it, I would be at a loss.

Tell me how to get the song files into your hands, please.

Thanks for your help.

Jerry Krouse
Originally Posted by natcheztoo
Tell me how to get the song files into your hands, please.

Thanks for your help.

Jerry Krouse
Jerry, you need to upload the song file(s) to a file sharing service such as Drop Box, then copy and email the link to the files, so that Andrew can download them.

Alternatively, you could send an email to, attach the song files to the email, mark it attention Andrew and reference this thread. Here is the link:
Andrew and Audio Track,

I have emailed to five songs. It was sent with Andrew - PG Music Staff in the subject line. You should easily see the problems with the program opening with BASS selected as the melody instrument and the RED NOTE fills not working properly.

Please let me know if you can access these correctly and if I need to send anything else.


Jerry Krouse
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