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Posted By: Funkifized Two questions: Lesson files - 02/19/24 02:45 AM
I have downloaded a lesson file, a solo transcription. The file is an .MGX file. Opens fine in BIAB 2024 (1109). Comes up in ZZJAZZ.STY, Bass and Piano are .mid files, and Real Drums. Trumpet solo is on Melody track, also a .mid file. Whole track sounds great, but the solo is a piano sound. Track is named Trumpet, but piano sound is what comes out. I right-click, Select MIDI Instrument (Patch), choose "Muted Trumpet", but not change in sound. How to make this sound correct?

Question 2(somewhat related): I have purchased transcriptions from a different provider, who has done great transcriptions of tunes that include the soundfile that he transcribed from. Soundfile plays, notation follows along. Without asking this guy directly how he did this, I'd like to be able to do the same for my students. Soundfile playing, notation in sync with the soundfile, potentially making a video of this for a student to play along with. How do I sync sound like this, along with my transciption of the performance?
Posted By: musocity Re: Two questions: Lesson files - 02/19/24 06:04 AM
!. If you go into Piano Roll and in the dropdown select Program you should see the instrument name down the bottom that you can change or delete.

2. What format is the transcription a PDF a midi file or something else?
Posted By: DrDan Re: Two questions: Lesson files - 02/19/24 03:04 PM
Not exactly sure what you are looking for.

Instruction material can be as complex as you make it. But it is likely you would need a good screen video recorder. I recommend FlashBack Pro. With this any software (DAW, BIAB, etc.,) you can play on your computer screen, you can record as a video, including insert windows from a small web-cam. FBP will also record multiple audio on separate tracks. All the Editing is done in FlashBack Pro Player.

You will likely need notation software. Two major options here, 1) Musescore 4 for general music or 2) Guitar Pro for heavy guitar emphasis notation.

I also use MIDIculous which is a keyboard instruction application which I find very useful for keyboard playing of chords to include naming and notation.

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