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For some reason, my 2010 Ultrapak just stopped working today. I am running off the external drive, and have had no problems running until today.

I have Windows 7 64 bit, and the dual usb cable is plugged into the back of my PC, as always (why that thing is so short, I'll never know), and I can see all the content of the external drive, but when I double click the icon on my desktop, or Band in a Box.exe in the root directory of the external drive, the blue light on the drive flashes, and nothing happens. I also see that my desktop icon for Biab 2010 is defaulted to the generic windows arrow and page icon. What the heck?
Hi Alegradave,

Some suggestions that may do the trick.

1. Reboot your computer, try again.

2. If that doesn't do it, try error checking the drive (Right click, Properties, Tools, Error check)

3. Still not working? Eject the drive, then plug in again.

4. Still not working? Time to call PGmusic support, or click Live support here on the homepage.

Hope this helps,
It gets better. I tried to do a re-install, and a window popped up saying:

"J:\PGMusic\Installer\Setup.exe does not exist. Cannot run the program J:\PGMusic\Installer\Setup.exe"

And I looked in the J:\PGMusic\Installer folder, and yup, no Setup.exe!
Edward Buckley, tried all your suggestions. Nothing worked. Thanks anyhow. I'll try uninstall, then re-install. Then I guess I'm off to customer support land.

Geez, I get tired of this stuff...
Tried uninstall. Windows couldn't find any Biab program to uninstall! And I couldn't find any uninstall program on the external drive either. This is getting weird.
That drive is crashing. Sometimes they don't go all at once.

Tried uninstall. Windows couldn't find any Biab program to uninstall! And I couldn't find any uninstall program on the external drive either. This is getting weird.

Not actually. Band in a Box does not "Install" in the Windows sense, so there can be no uninstaller. It writes (almost) nothing to the registry, and Windows does not know it exists. To remove it, you delete it.
Hi Dave

To find out if it is not broken -

Try this -- safely unplug external drive > close down > wait 20 secs and reboot > then plug the two cables into the computer first then into the External Drive last - this si opposite to the printed instructions - sometimes it takes some time to recognise so be patient

I have transfered the contents of the black box to a bigger and robust hard drive

If you have a partition program like Paragon Partition manager open it and you will see an unassigned drive - assign a drive letter to it and it will work
When I first ran my BIAB USB Hard Drive, my Kaspersky Internet Security completely deleted the setup.exe file. I found the file in the Kaspersky quarentine folder and reinstated it. The file was put back on the USB Hard drive. I then ran the setup with Kaspersky temporarily paused and everything worked fine. With Kaspersky running again, I opened BIAB and just confirmed that It was safe to run. Perhaps other security applications do something similar. Just a thought.
Time to try different cables and ports. I have a bunch of weird stuff that went on, and I found one cable that always works. If it's a hint the wire is thick.

The reason the Y cable is short is to keep down the electrical loss over the distance.

I have ports on one machine that work with my DSLR fine, but not the hard drive, and not my blackberry. It's a crap shoot. If it's the black hard drive see if you can get the end with the connection off and try and push the wires in, make sure the contact is good.

Once it works copy it to something more robust.


when I double click ... ... Band in a Box.exe in the root directory of the external drive

Do you have the file bbw.exe in the bb folder on the USB drive?
Tip: sort the files in the bb folder by name, then type bbw fairly quickly on your keyboard, and that will take you to the file.

(note: you might need to uncheck the 'hide extensions for known file types' option in the Windows Control Panel | Folder Options | View, to be able to see the .exe file extension.)
Sorry for being out for a few days, and mighty big thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I did manage to fix the problem, and this is weird, but I remembered that I had run TweakNow RegCleaner since the last time I used Biab, so, I rolled back W7 to the day before I did that, and Lo! I was able to get back up and running.

Have no idea why, as I don't recall any messages about Biab or anything else during the process, but there it is, I'm up and running!

Think I'll do lots of restore points in the future...
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