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Posted By: CloClo 5 Tunes on the net - 03/20/10 04:42 PM
I made the jump ! I posted the tunes as it is...
The virtual Band is made with BIAB, no RealTracks only midi.

I recorded myself on mandolin and autoharp in audio of course.

here is the link

Of course , I wait your advises, opinions, critics etc....

I ask myself to stop ... or to go on....
Posted By: Mac Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/20/10 04:49 PM
Sounds good!

Posted By: CloClo Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/20/10 05:10 PM
Posted By: Danny C. Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/20/10 06:09 PM
Listening as I type and like what I hear. Just into the first tune and it is very mellow indeed.

Nice work,
Posted By: Noel96 Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/20/10 08:36 PM
Hi CloClo,

I'm listening to "L'Enfer Commence Avec Elle" as I type this. It's terrific. The mandolin and autoharp sound excellent when played against BIAB. I congratulate you on a fine sound. To my ears, this song had a Spanish flavour. Every once in while, I noticed that an autoharp chord seemed to wrestle with a BIAB chord. It did not happen often but, when it did, it seemed to occur on a passing chord. This often happens to me when I'm putting a song together. I just isolate the chords/bars that are a problem and look for notes that are not part of the chord in a particular bar and then I change them or delete them. Doing this usually solves the problem.

I have just listened to "Dolce Vita" and the problem didn't seem to arise.

Now I'm in the middle of "Petite Fille Du Soleil". Love it! You have a real knack for creating music. This is a beautiful song.

Overall, your mixing, playing, arranging, creating is first-class on every level.

These are sensational songs. To my way of thinking, a CD of your music would be perfect listening for anyone who wants pleasant background music that makes a person feel good and relaxed. You've got my standing ovation.

All the best,
Posted By: John Conley Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/20/10 11:55 PM
C'est tard ici, demain je vais t'ecouter. Bienvenu chez nous.

Je suis pret a enregistre 'Je t' Becaud.

Je l'ai changer pas mal, je ne suis pas M 50,000 volts.!
Posted By: John Conley Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/21/10 10:33 AM
J'ai ecoute les chansons ce matin, et bravo!

2 choses, en a peu pres 5 minutes il serait d'avantage (selon moi), de laisser faire le mando pour quelqeus seconds, et laisser les autres instruments jouer toute seulement.

2ieme, ca cri des fois pour quelques mots, Le petite fille du soleil <<aurait des cheveux de lin>>, serait <<baiser par le soleil du fin du jour>>, et <<seul sauf pour le panier pique-nique que je pourrais apporter chez vous madamoiselle..>>

Je te merci de votre participation

Excuse mon francais et il malgre le fait que mon netbook a et angalias et francais j'oublie comment changer le clavier pour avoir les accents....

et je vous souhait mes meilleurs felicitations....
Posted By: CloClo Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/21/10 11:13 AM
Thanks John

First Point: Christophe is the composer, I am the arranger with the help of BIAB of course, and one musician with the mandolin.

To avoid some problems , I decided to leave some "amateur" defaults, I keep the lead-in metronomes,
no noise gate on the mandolin, etc.
Some sounds as electric pianos and basses are a little weak compared with guitars and drums for instance.

At certain moments I leave some holes to introduce some variations or improvisations.
But I first wish to get some feedback and posted it like that, because a step further, is more efforts.

Other point if you play standard jazz like on David Grisman/Martin Taylor Tone Poems, you know where you are going.

Here like in "La Dolce Vita", I try to mix my mandolin playing with my own limitations, with sounds like Miles on muted trumpet,
Stevie Wonder on clavinet, Hal Blaine on drums, etc... on a song written by Christophe / Jean-Michel Jarre in 1977.

Can I call these results JAZZ or ... ?
Do I Make other tunes in the same way, or do I go back to more usual mandolin music ?
Posted By: John Conley Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/21/10 12:19 PM
The interesting thing about Jazz, almost no rules!

I was listening to Oscar Peterson and "The Very Tall Band" last night and realized that at many points the other instruments faded so they were almost not there. I saw OP many times in Toronto, and I know that this is not electronics at work, but rather the musicians fade in and out, and that if Ray Brown or Milt Jackson were playing they knew when OP went for a 'run'.

I think my point was to think about backing down, having a secondary 'bridge', and coming back with the best part of the tune.

In my case I sing a lot, so I'm just off and on....

I'm back to the project...listen to all the versions of Je t'appartiens I can find. I'm not Gilbert Becaud, but I love the old performance of him on youtube.

Of course when I first discovered him in the 60's I had french journalists for friends and the pate, red wine and martinis while we spun the albums ..well watching that was a bit like time travel for me.
Posted By: CloClo Re: 5 Tunes on the net - 03/21/10 01:42 PM
Hi John

Here is a link of an original version of the tune you like:

You can even buy te CD to learn to play it on the dulcimer... but the sound and the performer are great.
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