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Within a few seconds of a song ending, bb crashes hard. I can't close the program on Win 7 64-bit, so each time I have to reboot. I got the 298 patch, and it seems to do it slightly less often, but still happens if I don't hit the escape key before the ending (+ a few seconds.)

I think it has something to do with the ASIO buffer since that becomes unavailable after bb crashes. I know this from trying to logoff/login on my Win 7 machine to try to avoid a hard boot after a crash.

I have gone into the song settings and disabled endings, changed from 2-bar RT to 4-bar RT and back again, and nothing seems to fix it. I am resorting to tags as a work around for endings, and have not had a crash yet when I make a tag and completely remove endings in the song settings window.

Besides the problem stating before, which is the most worrisome in the short run, using endings has the side effect of RT still improvising on the 2nd bar of the ending (for like a bar or two) and/or loud pops and hisses at the very end.

Hope this helps fix bugs as you work on the next patch or release. bb 2010 is a great step forward, so folks reading this post shouldn't get discouraged.

Have you tried increasing the ASIO buffer before hitting play? (or decreasing, believe it or not works sometimes)

Is there another program attempting to use the ASIO drivers at the same time?
Why do you need asio drivers for Band in a Box?

I think it has something to do with the ASIO buffer since that becomes unavailable after bb crashes. I know this from trying to logoff/login on my Win 7 machine to try to avoid a hard boot after a crash....

I think it is more than likely the case that whatever is causing the crash of BB does not allow for release of the Soundcard Driver. Therefore it is still assigned to BB, but the program is no longer available.

Some things to try:

* Use the BiaB Options -> Return to Factory Settings and hit the second button down so that the soundcard and MIDi synth choices get readdressed. This is especially important after a crash, because there is a certain file (intrface.bbw) that BB must write to when it closes down and a crash doesn't allow for that to happen. So the first crash can create a corrupted file from there on out. Return to Factory Settings rebuilds that file for you.

*Switch to MME sound drivers inside BB, just to see what happens.

*Peruse your VST/VSTi stuff that BB is pointed to, there may be one in there that is not working and playing well with BB. One way to find out is to remove all VST stuff from the folder where you've assigned BB to look for them by copying and pasting All to another folder, then start bringing in one VST at a time and start up BB, play a song and shut down BB. When you come to the "rogue" VST, I'd expect the problem to reappear and you've found the culprit.

Sounds like an ASIO driver conflict to me.

- Suggestions:

- in ASIO mode, try ASIO "Always on" mode. That checkbox is in the asio driver dialog.
- use driver
- if the above fails, switch to MME
I'm with JC and I'm about to pull my hair out having to say this again:
Your point is correct John and I've said as much many times too however, that is just a workaround to a problem that should not exist. ASIO is an industry standard, it works great with every other music app out there basically right out of the box. Biab/RB has a problem with it and it needs to be addressed. It's not that it won't work it just requires a lot of tweaking and messing around and that should not be necessary.
I obviously don't know what the problem is but since ASIO was developed by Steinberg and VST was also developed by Steinberg and we all know that while RB works ok with a lot of VST plugins, it's missing some important VST implementation, I think both problems are related. ASIO and VST have been around now for what, 10-15 years? PG needs to get with the program.

Amen, Jazzmammal. I have used ASIO for many years with BIAB until I loaded 2010 Everything
pack. I can get it to work an a laptop with XP but it wont work with Vista 32 on my
desktop. Why does everyone defend the program instead of fixing the problem.
Hello strativinsky,

I haven't seen a problem like that before. The previous suggestions are good, if you think it is an ASIO driver problem. What kind of sound card and ASIO driver are you using? Is it listed as being compatible with Windows 7 64-bit?
I fully agree. It needs to be fixed for those who need it however why obsess over something you don't need not working? It's just spoiling the enjoyment of the program. We all know people like, that in fact I can tend to be that way, who spend hours getting something they don't need working. It's not just BIAB it can be anything. It cost me a $450 lesson to learn that just because my bass has a truss rod adjustment I don't need to be continually fiddling with it.
And I decided ASIO was for me. 2 months of pure hell. Then I realized I didn't need it.

Then I got the ketron which I play with the thru function with my keyboard, zero latency.

ASIO, just say NO.
On the other hand, ASIO has been working fine with all updates to BiaB here. M-Audio AP 2496 card.

Only time I have to switch to MME drivers is when using BiaB in Drag 'n Drop DAW mode and the host program is using the ASIO drivers. That is as it should be.

It did take a while to get ASIO up and running when I first started using it, there are checkboxes inside BB, like that "ASIO Always On" and a few others that I had to address. Also had to set the card to accept sampling rate instructions from the host program (BB) and not leave it locked to a certain one in the soundcard's Control Panel. But once all that was sorted, no problems using ASIO sound drivers here with BiaB.


Amen, Jazzmammal. I have used ASIO for many years with BIAB until I loaded 2010 Everything
pack. I can get it to work an a laptop with XP but it wont work with Vista 32 on my
desktop. Why does everyone defend the program instead of fixing the problem.

Yeah, but the problem is defining the problem. It depends on what interface is being used, what OS, what interface or no interface if the person is using the Realtec chip which sucks in most cases. A lot of folks just have no clue and can't follow instructions because they have no clue. That's not the fault of the program, they just need some basic training and experience and we're all here to help them if they are willing to listen and take the time to learn.
Mac just posted about using a Delta card. I have the EMU 1820M and over a year ago I posted a long detailed description about my odyessy on a whole Saturday finally getting the EMU ASIO to work in Real Band. It was pulling teeth. I finally got the latency down to 20ms, not great but usable for live playing using my midi controller. Others can get ASIO down to 8 or 10ms and others never get it to work. Now we have a new OS, 32 bit or 64 bit, most everything seems to work ok but some don't just like before. I will be upgrading this summer so I'll be joining the Win 7 crowd and I'll see how that works out. Can't wait.
I do know know it's good to take things back to basics and by that I mean here we are using a $500 PC and some software to duplicate what once was a $50,000+ studio filled with very cool and expensive hardware. That this stuff works at all is amazing to me.
When this subject comes up I will from time to time give a little shot to the boys and girls in Victoria because Biab/RB is clunky in this area and there are some problems but man, as I've said many times before you really do need to be a computer nerd/hacker type to get this stuff working and that's true no matter who's software you're using.

M-Audio 24/96 here running on ASIO in 24/44,100 and smooth as a babies ..... er well you know.

ASIO will mess wif ya if'n you do not do the right things. I use it on Rb and MTS but not BiaB it does not need it.

I need to do a good shakedown since i got my DAW up and running again after a recent light redo. I had the power supply go out and i upgraded that part and added a USB 2.0 card. removed a ton of software and disconnected from the internet.
re vista laptop. what sound device are you useing mate ??
my general comment would be if you peruse any recording forum
you can see probs with any music software. whether mac or pc.
from the people ive tried to help over the years often its poorly chosen systems,
or poorly configged, poor sound device choice and/or driver probs etc etc.
in summary a whole range of issues. as well as not undrstanding set up etc etc.
ive had many folks swear up and down to me it was the music software
only to find it was a set up prob often or a poor configged system.
jazz hit nail on the head.,
ie in reality the more one understands the tech stuff and is willing to..
the easier it will be.
it was the same once when i owned a 2 inch tape machine.
i had to know my gear.
at the same time tho' spare a thought for the developers of various music software.
really given the fact that OS's change and the plethora of sound devices,
as well as given the fact that puters at the personal level werent designed from
the ground up in earlier times as audio pro centric machines...its really rather impressive
what devs have achieved as jazz said.
it could have been prolly lots easier for users and devs if puters had have been built specifically
for the pro audio market as mebe special purchase, mebe even with hi quality ada built into the systems so people wouldnt have to worry bout set up etc.
but this didnt happen, and some might argue they like the variety of market offerings.
It is a Vista 32 desktop with a Edirol UA 700. It worked with 2009.5 and it will
work for one song and then crashes. I have already had a very long thread and
had many suggestions. Bottom line it still does not work.
I do have a Roland GR 09 and I can use it in Sonar 8.5 Producer.
does the ua700 work in win media player fine playing back wav files ??
outside of biab ??
by any chance have you changed a setting in edirol control panel ??
would help if you posted a pic of your edirol control panel settings somewhere.
(eg imageshack)
i read up on the ua700 at rolands site. its a high sampling rate device.
the site was unclear as to whether it runs at 44.1/16 bit.
mentioned 24 bit plus various hi sampling rates.
just out of curiosity in edirol control panel see if there is a 44.1/16 bit setting.
if by any chance the edirol control panel is set to a higher bit depth //sampling rate..
mebe thats an issue..dunno.
i might be wrong but...what i'm suggesting is possibly in sonar producer you are useing higher sampling rate and bit depth settings , but in biab you need possibly to change em to lower.
when moving back to biab. or mebe youve tried that ??
in sonar itself what sampling rate and bit depth is set in edirol control panel ??
Manning1 :
I appreciate your help but the only reason I responded to this thread was because I feel
something in the program was changed in the new program. ASIO worked in the 2009.5
and doesn't work in the 2010 Everything Pack.
People responded by saying that ASIO isn't needed in BIAB. I can live with that. I can
no longer enter horn parts with my Roland GR 09 in BIAB.
I too have sadly gone back to MME with BIAB. I was all excited that I could use my new M-Audio Fast Track USB, and although I get decent playback with ASIO, when trying to play the thru channel, I get the following issues>

1. Thru channel can be played.....but if played while Band in a Box has stopped, it is with great latency.

2. I can record using the thru channel without latency, but BIAB will crash half the time.

3. I also get error messages when previewing styles while a song is playing. Things like "There is a previous song playing, wait or close the program to continue", etc.

It's really time for the PC to catch up to the Mac OS in the Audio department. ASIO, MME, etc, they all need to die so we can get something like Core>No, clitches, crashes, latency, pops, clicks, or other hair pulling events.

well obviously some people have asio working on biab mate as can be seen from this
thread. one music app i work with has great asio support but still people encounter
probs cos often their system isnt set up right or the drivers etc etc.
it can be a myriad of things. mebe something is different in 2010 ..but the fact some
are useing asio ok leads me to think it either depends how a particular user
has the pc set up and/or the sound device.
for example a few years back i had initial probs getting an edirol device working in powertraks.
(different edirol device to yours.)
it would have been easy to blame the software for the probs.
but i persisted and found 2 things i needed to do. one being changeing a
setting in the edirol control panel, and the second changeing a setting in powertraks preferences.
then it was smooth sailing.
but its jolly difficult to help you if you dont detail your edirol contro panel settings.
heres what i suspect is happening in "some cases" to people.
a "possible got ya" .

many people are useing various music software with biab.
eg a regular multitrak daw software like sonar or samp or whatever
where they might be recording traks at high bit depths and/or sampling rates.
so they set their sound device control panel accordingly.
BUT..then they switch to useing biab without changeing the sound device
control panel settings.
now i might be wrong , but sound device control panel settings have
caught out more people than i could shake a stick at.
right now i'm trying to help someone else with a sound device and its asio set up
in a well known multitrack software that supports asio very very well.
once again oodles of people have asio working just great but this person
cant get it working. once again i suspect either a control
panel setting and/or how the sound device is set up in the multitrak softwares
what i would check in your case is to run a test.
ensure in the edirol 700 its set to 44.1/16 for biab and same for sonar.
and see if things are resolved.
but i cant help without info on peoples settings.
mebe there is a prob with 2010 asio...the only reason i'm questioning if there actually is ,
is due to the fact ive seen too many people blame various music software but in fact it was
their sound device settings that were often the problem.

re pc catching up to mac.
come now mate.
the only reason you hear about so many pc probs
from what ive seen is there are zillions of pc users, many new to
recording who often dont understand how to set up their systems properly.
ive seen it all on pc. bad pc purchaseing decisions,
useing crazy low memory amounts like the other day where i came
across someone with 256 of ram, or useing some old clunker donated by auntie flo,
or poor sound device choice and a ton of other reasons.
it comes back often to lack of knowledge as jazz said.
in some cases ive even found an unwillingness to even learn
win basics like copy a

its easy to use the pc as a scapegoat.
the fact is whether mac or pc its gotta be set up right.
and the user has to be willing to set it up right.

1. Thru channel can be played.....but if played while Band in a Box has stopped, it is with great latency.


This one sounds like you have "Route MIDI Thru..." checked when using a DXi and something like the microsoft synth is highlighted above. Try unchecking that.
Hello Dave,


I appreciate your help but the only reason I responded to this thread was because I feel
something in the program was changed in the new program. ASIO worked in the 2009.5
and doesn't work in the 2010 Everything Pack.

Correct, all other things being equal (computer setup etc.) I don't know why that would be the case. It should work as well as with 2009.5 ... unless ... see if it is affected by RealTracks generation speed-up in 2010. Try unchecking that option in the RealTracks preference and see if that is what makes the difference. You might try experimenting with setting processor scheduling to background services in your system properties - advanced - performance options.
To be fair to PG here I must say that my Audidgy 2 ZS Notebook Card with KX drivers does ASIO flawlessly set to 8.0 ms buffer.
The old RealTech AC97 that never had ASIO drivers is now using specially designed ASIO drivers by Lex Nahamury that also is flawless. I can run that one at 4ms buffer. Same computer.
An old Toshiba PIV 3.0 with 2G ram.
I've turned off hyperthreading for better video performance in RB.
I use a M-audio Projectmix IO. After switching to MME the problem I spoke of before happens about 10% of the time now instead of 100%. For that guy who is really tired of mentioning stuff about ASIO to folks on the boards, I hear ya. But is it possible that the setting itself can get changed somehow unknowing to the user? I think ASIO might be a default or something when I run bb patches or it it gets selected by force when another audio app is open. Anyways, I have set bb to MME, only to come back to bb later and it is back on ASIO. I get a feeling I might not be the only one that this has happened to...and it might explain why people find thier way to the boards with a similar problem.


Hi Andrew,

I unchecked the speed up generation of Real Tracks and now I get an Access Violation and
the program freezes and I have to re-boot to get the program to launch again.
I have never messed with the processor scheduling and I am not an expert with computers.
All I know is that it worked very well with 2009.5.
I am tired of messing with it. I have it working with MME and I am able to use my laptop
with Creative 2zs card and ASIO for my gigs. I only use the Real Drums and Real Bass and
I am very happy with the performance. I did a church gig for 2 1/2 years using MIDI only
and never had a problem other than the ones that I created.
Thanks again for your help. I will go and practice now.
Hey Manning,

I really don't want to get into a Mac vs PC debate. So to cut to the chase>

I've been using midi and audio programs on the PC, Mac and Atari since 1990.

I had the first version of BIAB on floppies for Atari. I've upgraded every year.

I spend an equal amount of time on Mac and PC everyday for different reasons.

Core midi and Audio on the Mac is a Godsend, things work, there is no need to waste time tweeking, results are fast, easy and professional.

Even using the new Windows 7 on the PC, I have all kinds of issues and have to waste time either changing settings, or using system restore to go back to an earlier time when things did work. I still can't get BIAB to play a midi keyboard part, I either check "ASIO always on" and then hear nothing except when playing back, or it will play but with Latency. Crashes and hangs are still there.

I should also mention that I use Reason, Finale, Sonar, Sibelius without any driver or sound problems on the PC. So why do I have so many issues with Band in a Box?

Bottom line, if more than 1 person is having issues and they have followed all the guidelines in terms of setup, there is a problem! It may be the interface, the OS, Band in a Box, or some other variable. Check the forums here and you will see a lot of people having sound related issues with BIAB. And, in my opinion, there are far fewer people having issues with the Mac version than PC, again, check the forums.

Edward Buckley
nah i dont want any mac vs pc debate either.
been done a zilion times n anyhoo i dislike red hot debates
cos i'm a friendly party lets have fun
frankly both platforms have plusses n minuses imho.
(my names ed too so we have something in common.)
i tell ya what i win the lotto n millions i'll send ya a case of yer fav
drink and a pc from adk (built specially for daw work)
or from one of the other speciality daw audio builders that'll knock yer socks off
n make you very happy.
I, too, use both platforms almost interchangeably. Some of my clients want work done on Mac-only softwares, etc. -- Some certain things work better on each platform as vs the other, too.

I remember when the Mac seemed to have more features available for music work than the PC did, then the PC platform stuff seemed to race into the lead in that department, offering not only more available features but lower prices for the software or hardware needed also. I think that the changeover to Intel inside was (and may still be in some situations) a hurdle for the Mac platform to cross, but it is one of those things that happen to any technology when such a large change in something basic to the entire system is done. Mac is now catching up and likely may pass the PC again, in some details, I think. Only time will tell.

An evolving technology is never a static thing. That is why I encourage people to get in there and learn to use their new computing equipments right away -- each day that it just sits there is another day towards obsolescence, which happens at a rather startling rate as compared to past technologies. That is just part and parcel of the situation IMO, does not matter which platform.

The never-ending "religious wars" between certain advocates of either platform is a source of entertainment, though. *grin*

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