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Posted By: beechdog Real Tracks Losing Volume - 05/29/10 08:20 PM
It happens to all my Real Tracks. Through the course of the song it keeps losing more and more volume. I have checked carefully and there are no markers or commands prompting it to do that.
I have WIN XP and tons or ram ... I really do not know what is causing it.
Thank you all
Posted By: Rachael Re: Real Tracks Losing Volume - 05/29/10 08:33 PM
Do any other tracks (Midi or RealDrums) lose volume?

I would check two things:

1. Bar settings. Press F5 and hit the 'Reset All Bars' button. If this solves the problem, somewhere in the song is a Bar Setting reducing volume. Be careful as you will lose all of your bar settings with this option so you may make a backup before doing this.

2. If all tracks are losing volume, you may have the Fadeout ending enabled. Find this is the Song Settings (Ctrl N). If set to anything other than 0, the tracks will fade.

Posted By: Noel96 Re: Real Tracks Losing Volume - 05/29/10 09:25 PM
Hi beechdog,

Welcome to the forums.

If all else fails, try Opt >> Reset to factory settings. After doing that, create a new song (say 16 bars) and see if the volumes still fade. As Rachael has indicated, it could be that some setting has been unknowingly saved in the song. Doing the above would allow the problem to be identified as belonging to either a single song or the entire program.

Posted By: John Conley Re: Real Tracks Losing Volume - 05/30/10 01:07 AM
Sounds like you hit the fade button by 'accident'. Fade out, whatever.

Only happens to me if I ask it to do that.
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