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Amazing how stable this program is. All I did was try out the Melodist for the first time. Resulting melody wasn't bad, so I saved the song. Closed BIAB and prepared myself for the obligatory "Band-in-a-box has stopped working" dialog box, only to find instead the dreaded "Access Violation" dialog, then another, then another, and another... They kept spawning uncontrollably so I did a hard shutdown.

After booting back up, discovered that most of the BIAB screen was black - the background of all the buttons, and the whole chord grid. Rebooted again. Same thing. Did a System Restore to yesterday's date. Same thing.


1. Is an uninstall/reinstall my only option now?

2. Is there a good reason why I should even bother?, given the thing's touchiness, and given the fact that I still have a functioning RealBand (at least at this moment)?

Thank you.

Bobby K.

If it happens again, use cntrl+alt+del to access Task Manager. Then scroll down until you come to bbw.exe. Select that and choose "End Process". Doing this will allow you to close BIAB without having to shutdown your computer.

I have had this happen to, but it disappeared after I installed one of the updates. What version BIAB and what version update do you have? This information is accessed under the Help >> About Band In A Box menu.

It's 2010.5 build 303. I see there's a 304 now. Might as well install it I guess, but I'm wondering: is it different when you're installing over a screwed-up version? Every other time I've updated, it's gone very well with no issues; but those were all installed on top of versions that weren't jacked up (or at least not to this extent).

And yeah, I've done the Task Manager "end process" before, but when this latest Access Violation thing happened, with those dialog boxes cascading all over my screen like some kind of animation software from 1985, I just said screw it and shut 'er down.

What a turn of events - Here I was, all happy about having successfully used the Melodist for the first time, happily closing the program at the end of a long, productive session; ready to go take a nap - when suddenly it decides to go berzerk.

Thanks for any more input.

Bobby K.
I've had the access violation thing too, with all software being current. It seems to happen randomly with no rhyme or reason. Only last night I was thinking the same thing- I had a great session with the software but frequently upon closing and/or saving before closing, things go nuts and make you spend a whole bunch of extra time dealing with it. I had one song just hang upon my last save before closing, to which I used the task manager to clear it. The project re-opened up, but there was a kind of phantom RT piano behind the original and the project became unusable no matter what I tried. I have noticed biab is more grouchy when closing out since this latest update, for me. I don't remember having these issues when working for the short time I did in the original 2010 version. Actually, my biab version is build 303.

Very interesting. And I like your term "grouchy". Geez. And how!!

I saw the little blurb on the update page which states that build 304 is basically the same as 303 except for a lyrics improvement or something, so I'm not sure if it'll do me any good to install it. I came close to doing it, but then I thought, hmmm, if it doesn't work and I have to do a full uninstall, maybe it will only be seeking out build 304 registry entries to undo, etc., and it'll fail to undo whatever evil 303 reg. entries that might've been written in there when 303 was going on its error-induced rampage. Wouldn't want to have any of those remnants lurking in my system...

So, I'm going to wait until I get Official Guidance from PGMusic, either here or via a Help Request Form.

Thanks for detailing your build 303 access violation / save / shutdown problem - glad to know it's not just me.

(btw, I do remember freezing the newly-created Melodist track, despite BIAB's benign popup that said it was unnecessary to do so, since the Melodist doesn't regenerate automatically like the accompaniment does. Also, when I went to save, I can't remember if I had a choice to save as an MGU or an SGU. I've never done a song with a BIAB-generated midi melody, so maybe - by force of habit - I had it save as an SGU rather than an MGU? Can't remember now, and I don't feel like messing with the program until tomorrow, but, could a little mistake like that lead to all this access violation madness? Just thinking out loud here...)

Bobby K.
...oh, and in case it might matter:

Vista 64-bit, 4GB RAM, Edirol UA-25EX.

RealTracks and RealDrums are being run from a super-fast external eSATA drive.

- Bobby K.
Be sure you have the latest drivers for your video card. That will cause the black screen areas.
First, REBOOT the computer.

BiaB still not right?

Try the Options menu, "Return to Factory Settings" - button number 1 first.

If still no joy, try button number two, which also resets the soundcard/MIDI choices.

The "Return to Factory Settings" rewrites the volatile file in your bb folder that bb must write to every time you close the program. If there is a freeze or crash and bb can't get to that point, that file can become corrupted. This is what the "Return to Factory Settings" is there for, give it a try whenever BiaB doesn't do what it is supposed to do. And don't forget that all-important REBOOT of the computer, too. Sometimes resources in the OS get corrupted as well.


Be sure you have the latest drivers for your video card. That will cause the black screen areas.

Very good advice generally speaking, but since BIAB is the only program affected, and since its current behavior was so clearly brought about by this latest "incident", I don't see how the video card driver could be responsible for it. Besides, doesn't System Restore (which I did) also restore video card drivers to their pre-disaster state?

Bobby K.

BiaB still not right?

Try the Options menu, "Return to Factory Settings" - button number 1 first.

Hey Mac, that did the trick! Woohoo. At first it only restored the bar numbers - all the rest of the chord area remained black - but after re-opening BIAB, all looks perfect.

(btw, yes, prior to doing this, I had indeed rebooted the computer several times, even doing a System Restore, to no avail.)

Anyway, while I'm happy the case has been cracked on the black GUI, I'm still concerned about what caused all this in the first place. I'm wary of using the Melodist again, or of accidently freezing the melody track... or of closing BIAB so soon after saving..., or... I'm not sure what NOT to be wary of at this point. Feels like I'm walking on eggshells with this program. I hope one of the techs will chime in after the weekend here, and give some thoughts on what they think might've happened, because apparently I'm not the only one descending into Access Violation Hell on a seemingly random basis.

But thanks, guys, for the input - and thank you Mac for the black GUI solution.

Bobby K.
It IS good as a last resort to return to factory settings. But it's really annoying to have to re-setup all custom settings when it becomes a frequent thing. RB for me has always been wobbly and has thrown me the 'ok to return to default settings' or something like that, numerous times. I chose that a couple of times and now I just ignore it and keep my settings. If choosing to return to default settings doesn't clear a problem long term, it's annoying. Now biab is getting glitchy for me and until recently, it's been a rock of stability. It could very well be user error. I don't claim to be all too proficient with the software yet. But when the access violation starts rearing it's ugly head more frequently than not, it's a concern. I wish I could help to pinpoint what the heck brings it on, otherwise it's useless to even cry about. Going forward, I'm gonna be VERY observant about what I'm doing when this kind of thing happens so I can better help. If anything, generally all my troubles revolve around saving and/or just closing out of biab at the moment.

Dan, I used to write down all my custom settings (in BIAB) in case I had to do the infrequent Return to Factory Settings. Now, however, you can save or reload your settings (save or load preferences, in the same Options menu). It's a good idea to do a save while things are working well.
Yes, you can have BB memorize and store your current settings for a later need to use the Return to Factory and then it becomes a "Return to My Settings" instead.

It is a good thing to have that button, prior to that we had to know which files to go looking for and deleting and remembering to shut BB down first, etc.

The one button solve is a lot quicker, considering it is something that you will likely have to do whenever one of those critical volatile files becomes corrupted, which, as I said, can happen when the program freezes, crashes or otherwise ends not so gracefully. It doesn't have time to write the necessary info from that last session to those files and then the next time you go to use the program - corrupted file can do anything to it.


Dan, I used to write down all my custom settings (in BIAB) in case I had to do the infrequent Return to Factory Settings. Now, however, you can save or reload your settings (save or load preferences, in the same Options menu). It's a good idea to do a save while things are working well.

I didn't know that. Now that is a very good option and I'll be doing that asap. I'm in the habit of hitting save very frequently while I work, just for savings sake. But to be able to save your prefs as a custom setup- VERY good. Thanks for that tip. I probably would have stumbled on it eventually, but you just saved me a bunch of time. Thanks to you too Mac. Still though, instability is dogging me a bit. Not a fun thing. I'll keep an eye out.

I had a long session with Biab and RB tonight with no troubles at all. Beautiful thing.

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