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1.Having acculmulated way too many songs over a period of years and many duplicates I have been searching for a way to pare down this song file. I inadvertently dumped everything (subfolders) into one folder and went over limit. I can't seem to find instructions on rectifying this in the manual. Any suggestions? Can't find an edit button for this anywhere. Long past the "undo" stage.
2. I have Style disk #20 which will not load into my new computer (compatibility issue, again 32/64 bit) Southern Gospel was one of my favorites on my old computer.
3. If I upgrade to Windows 7 Professional version so I can get Virtual XP, can I then use Roland VSC?
I've found nothing to compare with the beautiful tones that I had with that.
4. Styles catagory seems to have frozen and only lists 264 even after rebuilding styles. There are over 1100 showing up on the styles list.
When I go in and look at the files there are duplicates of everything, probably happened when I tried to reload backed up files after my other computer crashed.
Nothing like being computer stupid to get one totally messed up!

1.Having acculmulated way too many songs over a period of years and many duplicates I have been searching for a way to pare down this song file. When I go in and look at the files there are duplicates of everything, probably happened when I tried to reload backed up files after my other computer crashed.

Oh Boy, lets take one thing at a time.

There are many good free utilities which will find and delete all duplicate files in a directory. Simply google for them. Here is one I found, free use for 15 days which is enough to do the job.

3. If I upgrade to Windows 7 Professional version so I can get Virtual XP, can I then use Roland VSC?
I've found nothing to compare with the beautiful tones that I had with that.

I do not believe Roland VSC will run on Win7, in any mode including Virtual XP. But have you tried the Coyote Forte Dxi. For about $40 it is very very good with GM. Which is a lot cheaper then the Win7 Pro which is iffy.

2. I have Style disk #20 which will not load into my new computer (compatibility issue, again 32/64 bit) Southern Gospel was one of my favorites on my old computer.

If you can load this old disk on any other compatible system, then you can email the files to yourself and then download them on the new machine. it should work. I have all my old BIAB original files from the beginning of time running on my Win7 system.
I would guess PGMusic could allow this download pretty easily.
I'd try contacting support. They can probably email a link to download a fresh version (providing you purchased it at some point in time).

*disclaimer - I am not speaking for PGMusic other than from past experience and observation
your mileage may vary
not valid with any other offer
side effects may include....
Jazzmandan, Thanks for the link to clean up the duplicate files. Will try that first.
Yes, I purchased Coyote Forte DXI about a month ago but I am not really happy with the guitar sounds. The bass is good and some of the other sounds but the guitars sound "plunky" to me. I guess I was just hung up on the VSC as the guitars had a nice crisp, realistic ring. Actually Style disk #20 shows up in my new BB files that I moved in from my backup files but the Style picker won't recognize them.
There are so many smaller issues that keep showing up that I am contemplating uninstalling the whole thing and purchasing the lastest first time version for a fresh clean start. It seems that nothing works the way it used to since I got this new computer with Win 7. It keeps throwing in very eratic stuff. I bring up a song that I had saved and I get the message that the style can't be found even though it is listed in my style picker, so it substitutes some "off the wall" style.
But I will take one thing at a time and get rid of the duplicate files and them move on from there. Thanks again for your help.

I am sure if I can't resolve these issues that PG music will be as helpful as they have been in the past. Just wanted to resolve these issues by learning how to do these things myself if it is possible. There are so many little tricks to keeping things running smoothly that I need to learn. Perhaps if I had gotten some computer training I could understand what is going on behind the scenes but at my age it's a little late and more difficult to pick up on this stuff. I appreciate your response.
The song issue has also proved daunting to me. I have gone through and moved the 'best of' into a new folder. That way I can ignore the duplicates. If you look at the very very small size of a band in a box file it is not taking up space. Heck some folders with hundreds of songs take less than on 12 megapixel photo, and I have over 10 thousand of those.

After years of mucking with this the make a folder and move my favs and clean them up, trying for 2 to 5 a day, proved to be a worthwhile endevour.

As to styles and rebuilding them, it's possible that somewhere the file's permissions got messed up.

I detest windows for pretending to use a Unix like file permission system, and then not providing the tools or scripting languages to fix the permissions.

I think you'll find that current versions that ship are "the whole program", and as I explained to one user recently, my experience is that you need only the version you buy. Otherwise I'd be putting in those big black flexible disks and doing 15 updates...LOL.

Just getting the hard drive and running the install program should work just fine. As to backing up before hand the song files and specific styles, it's almost time for someone to make a file/styles/directory management tool, on a proper menu with help files and instructions.
John Conley, I really feel that you understand how frustrating some of these issues are. I guess doing the folder thing will be necessary. I just hope I remember to uncheck the "include subfolders" the next time I need to rebuild my songfiles. That is what got me into so much trouble in the first place. Thanks for responding to my dilemma.
Do a factory reset and I believe that the subfolders issue goes away. You might check that with live help. Or maybe someone with a better recollection than I might jump in. I've got way too much in the way of hm hm narcotics in my system to give a definitive answer, but if you think it might not hurt I'd get rid of the subfolders.

A lateral filing system is of use until you are ready for subfolders.

I have a folder called Folder of folders on my desktop.

I have a folder on the desktop called WorkP for work in progress.

I have a folder on the desktop called BB2render, which is finished files to render to wav because it puts the .wav file where the actual file is and if you have a folder open with 10,000 songs it ends up in there and lost.

I have folders called Set1, Set2 etc. all band in a box stuff.

Inside the folder of folders are the folksong folders, the Soundtrack and classical folders, Realbook folders, Norton's fakebook folders and other such stuff. So the top folder if indexed is huge. There must be an editable short cut for this, and perhaps we should put that on the wish list, a utility to go through the whole system, recognize .sgu mgu files etc, and make a graphic of the folders and numbers of and types of songs, And associated styles like the styles that are in the folksong folder but for new users should get edited and ADDED to the actual styles folder on installation...Peter are you listening, in the Win 7, my folders glistening, it's a beautiful sight, I'm happy tonight, wait..that's morphine for you.
John, What a wonderful sense of humor! Is that what morphine does to you? It just made me nauseous when I had my heart attack. Thank you, my friend and best wishes for whatever you need.

... I guess I was just hung up on the VSC as the guitars had a nice crisp, realistic ring. ...

I have noticed that whatever MIDI solution we are accustomed to using and hearing becomes something that we like to hear.

What I mean by that is likely to exist in the psychoacoustic domain, but I can remember when the sounds of the VSC did not sound so nice to me.

Then I was kind of forced into using the VSC DXi on my laptop during a time when there was much travel for my day job.

My ears and brain started to get used to the sound of the VSC.

Getting home and switching back to my rack of hardware MIDI solutions, which in almost all cases sound much better than most software synths available, I noticed that I would go through a sort of learning curve involving those sounds. After a session or so with the "other" synth, all sounded better -- or at least it seemed to sound better. In actuality, it is my own hearing system's ability to change and filter that kicks in in these circumstances.

So don't be surprised to find that whatever MIDI solution you pick for your new setup starts to sound better to you as you use BiaB daily.

Within reason, of course...

I agree with Mac on that issue, and I felt the VSC guitar was awesome. My brain says I miss it still.

But according to research, when you don't hear anything or your hearing is going your brain starts the tinnitus. Man that sucks.

My brain is playing a constant high F on a piano of keyboard, which is a note my hearing aids turn into a cracking noise, and I'm getting that checked.

That said, one of the products PG music sells Music Creator comes with the TT1 Roland synth, which is the next generation. It cost 39 bucks for the software and the synth that is there will work with your system...just make sure to ask sales or support for details.
Hi Mac,
Thanks for your input. You may be entirely right on the matter of familiar tones sounding best but when I think back to when I first started the VSC DXI I was so truly amazed at the beautiful sounds. It was such an improvement over what I had been using, and that was a Yamaha Hardware synth. The guitars on that were really "cheesy" and the bass was awful. The brasses were good and the violin was excellent but in my work at the time (mostly country) I needed guitars that sounded real.
I will keep plugging away with what I have for now and try to get this program straightened out and functioning as it was intended. My first priority is to get those duplicate files out of my system and start over with last install and try to get back on track.
John, You may have hit on one of the issues being one's hearing. I have noticed a considerable hearing loss lately and probably should have it checked.
I was not aware of the Music Creator and will definately look into it as soon as I get this program doing what it is supposed to do. Thanks for the "heads up" on this.
I suspect if there is a Roland SoftSynth involved it will be good sound. Take care!
If you are really serious about those guitars, and all the other instruments as well, then spend the money on the hardware Ketron SD2.

I still love VSC mostly for the midi player when I do pop music. I haven't found a replacement that is as simple to use on a gig. It's not only the sound of VSC, for some reason it does a better job of interpreting midi files IMHO. I've loaded the same midi file in VSC midi player, Sonar, Music Creator, and BIAB. I haven't messed with Real Band much. I've used TTS-1, Coyote, and VSC dxi to play the same file. On certain midi files TTS-1 doesn't play the right voice and many times the drums are too loud and harsh sounding. Coyote comes closest to want I'm looking for next to VSC. I know how to tweak midi files and change voices and stuff but as I mentioned earlier VSC seems to play more files "correctly" overall. When I use the word correctly, I mean to my satisfaction. I've also notice that over time my ears are getting use to different things. At first I didn't like Coyote, but I've grown to like many of the sounds. I love the strings on TTS-1 but those drums never seem to quite do it for me. TTS-1 is a very powerful bit of software but I don't want to have to tweak a lot of stuff just play it.
Mac, I checked out the Ketron SD2 and it sounds like something I would really like but since both hubby and I are retired and I'm no longer bringing in any money with my music, I'm afraid that I just can't justify the expense just for my personal pleasure especially with the economic situation the way it is. But thanks for expanding my horizons a bit. It would be so nice if money were no object but living on social security checks does have it's challenges.

I certainly agree on the VSC for live use. I've used it for so long that now making changes seems so difficult. Of course all changes are more difficult as one gets older which I think is a lot of my problem. In changing over to Windows 7, it's like unlearning everything I knew and having to learn new ways to work. It was supposed to be easier but it's not for me. My files are in such a mess from trying to transfer from back-ups and such that I fear I may have to just go back and start from scratch.
You may find joy by reverting back to XP.

I have two machines here, a desktop and a laptop, that I'm keeping going for longer than I thought I would or should, for that very reason.

On the other hand, I have a newer lappy that came with (yuck!) Vista installed and it is just terrible for doing music work IMO. I've been thinking of investing the cost of purchase on a full XP install while one is still available at a few select places and wiping that hard drive and installing XP on it. Then I can run the VSC DXi, as well as some other proggies I've got here that are not Vista/Win7 compat.

Just a thought, you might also want to look into a Dual Boot situation, being able to run the newer OS for websurfing, other tasks or proggies designed for it, but then boot into good old almost reliable XP when doing music work.

Or -- look into finding an older used hardware MIDI synth. The VSC sounds are in many Roland hardware synths, actually. Standalone MIDI synth or perhaps a used MIDI keyboard that has built in synth can be used. Yamaha keyboards, Casio keyboards, many of these contain excellent sounds for not a lot of money and many folks bought 'em and lost interest quickly. Garage Sales, Thrift Shops, Classified Ads, etc. may just find something affordable, even on the fixed retirement income.

Just a thought, hope it helps,

Mac, you don't know how close I'm to buying a brand new laptop with xp. In many ways I wish I had. I still use xp on most of the systems in my house. I only have win7 on my gig laptop.
I thought the VSC was fine in the 32bit version of Win 7?

I think your thought is right on that.

I thought the VSC was fine in the 32bit version of Win 7?


Yes, I think you and John are correct, although I haven't tried it. It's the 64-bit version of Windows 7 for which they had to do the Coyote Wavetable to offer something that would work in 64-bit.
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