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Posted By: seeker VSC DXi "standard" sound options setup ? - 12/09/10 12:03 AM
Hello there,

About 5 1/2 years ago purchased a Yamaha PSR-3000.
Out of the Box, it basically sounded like crap.
Knew of this in advance due to the PSRTUTORIAL forum

Setup the Master Eq's and other Items advised and it sounded
great. Then thru the years became aware as being used of improvements
on the settings. Knew a little of mixers, and sound setups prior to this,
but nothing like a lot of you pro's.

I've being using the VSC a little and between it and the Yamaha external
sound system there is no comparison in quality. That would be expected.

1. Now the meat, with good VSC setups can a person expect a good quality
sound output from it?

2. Good enough to create and then burn CD's with ?

3. Is the a basic or standard setup recommendation for the VSC setups.

Now that said, each person, each instrument, each song and it genre could dictate
the settings for maximum quality of sound.

Please refer back to 3 above.

I did some "eschewing" via the forum search and did not notice specifics.

Lovin my new 2010.5 and awaiting delivery on the 2011.

Thank you in advance,

There is no way that I would even put the Yamaha PSR-3000 and the VSC in the same sentence in respect to sound quality. The Yamaha stomps the VSC into the dirt.

You're talking a $1,500 semi-pro keyboard versus a give away piece of software.

Why do you think the 3000 sounded like crap out of the box, and if you did think it was going to be, why did you buy it in the first place?

In reading the reviews on PSRTutorials, everyone seems to love it.

As to the VSC, I don't have it installed any more because I have a 64 bit OS, but if there was any kind of editing, it was very general, and very basic. The Roland TTS-1 has better editing capabilities, but nothing near what the PSR-3000 would give you.

I really am confused as to why you would still be using the VSC if you have a PSR-3000 sitting there. That keyboard, when it came out, was second only to the Tyros 2. It has fantastic patches in it, editable sounds, and a wealth of controls that you should be able to play with to get some of the best sounds out there.

I am curious, what is your set up? How do you have the PSR-3000 connected to your computer. What is your MIDI Output in Band In A Box. Something has to be not right for you to say what you've said.

Posted By: seeker Re: VSC DXi "standard" sound options setup ? - 12/09/10 02:04 AM

"Crap" might have been a poor choice of words.
Flat, dull, no life to the sound.

A lot of the older Yamaha were sent out with a "canned" sets
of EQ'S, FX, and DSP's.

I knew of this before the purchase from my other forum.
Also had listened to some number of mp3's created on that board and others,
so purchase was a no brainer. It is a keyboard with outstanding sound
and abilities. It took me about 2 years to acquire a reasonable talent on
the techie aspects of the board. And I truly love the thing.

Prior to BIAB, I had created some number of "Soundtrack" in a loose sense
using midi chords via the great Yamaha Styles. Recording to Wav file was
tedious and very time consuming.

The quick method of rendering really "blew up my bloomers".
But after your comparison comments, and Also my own ears as playing the BIAB
soundtrack demo's now know the "slower but quality" direction is the way to go.

A friend of mine from other site Has Tyros 3 and also new Motif. He also has
KONTAKT and swears by it. Did google it, and his wallet is a lot fatter than mine.
Apparently some of the Avatar movie music was created with it.

Still love the Rendering, but...


Rendering is faster, no doubt. It's very good for doing quick takes that aren't going to be your final product.

I have a Korg PA800, which I absolutely love. Sounds are awesome, except for the piano. Yamaha has always had great piano sounds, but Korg is getting better.

I will admit that when you want to record a ten track, six minute song, one track at a time, that it's going to take a bit of time and effort. However, in the end, in my opinion, since each track is recorded as a distinct track, you have so much more control over the final product.

That's why all my final work is done as individual audio tracks, just like the real Pros do it.

Posted By: Mac Re: VSC DXi "standard" sound options setup ? - 12/09/10 01:35 PM
The PAR3000 can sound great with BiaB if set up properly.

First thing to do is to make sure that BiaB and the PSR are communicating in GM, XG or GS mode.

If BiaB can tell the PSR to go into one of those modes, then all the Reverb, Chorus and other MIDI cc's that BiaB sends will be used by the PSR.

First consult your PSR's manual in order to see if it communicates in GM, XG or possibly GS mode.

When you find that out, the MIDI menu inside BiaB is where you can configure BiaB to always send "GM on" at startup, and also configure for "one-based" Roland Patch Numbering or for "zero based" Yamaha.

The Yamaha zero-based system can be a tad confusing as Yamaha also markets some of their synths with a GM compat bank in them. If your PSR has a GM logo on it somewhere, that is likely the case and you don't ahve to switch BiaB to Yamaha zero based in order to play back standard GM files.

That PSR-3000 is only about 5 years old. It's GM compatible.

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