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Posted By: derrylgabel Problem with MIDI input - 10/04/11 04:22 PM
Hey guys, I'm using a Roland GK3-A pickup with the GR-20 guitar synth MIDI into an M-Audio Profire 2626 firewire into my HP Elite 960t Quad Core Intel i7 2.67gh with 12 gigs of RAM. Anyway, when I'm in MONO mode (which gives a separate MIDI channel to each string) the MIDI input of BiaB assigns every string as MIDI channel 5. I know that I'm transmitting in MONO mode because I can open up NI Bandstand softsynth and it reacts correctly by giving each string it's separate MIDI channel. What I'm trying to do is set up the Guitar Function of BiaB to correctly display the correct fingerings on the BiaB fretboard. No matter what string I play it just is lighting up the Low E string on the BiaB fretboard. When I hit the MIDI icon in BiaB it just shows all strings going through MIDI channel 5. I've even tried changing MIDI channels on the GR-20 and it still only uses MIDI channel 5 in BiaB. I've even tried changing the GR-20 to POLY mode and that doesn't work of coarse. Ultimately I would like to improvise a guitar solo while playing with BiaB and have it notate what I'm playing in real time not only standard notation but the correct guitar ( fingerings ) tab as well. I can do this in Sibelius 6 but I would rather do it in BiaB.
Can anybody out there help me out? Seems like I had this working once before but BiaB still would not give completely correct fingerings. Once you got out of a certain position it would put everything else on say the high E string.
Posted By: silvertones Re: Problem with MIDI input - 10/04/11 04:56 PM
Channel 5 is the default through channel.You use a HW synth so don't worry about the through channel.What you want to do is record to the MELODY or SOLOIST track.It'll allow for 16 channels. No need for me to explain as it's elaborate. Just check the manual for "melody/soloist sequencer"
Posted By: derrylgabel Re: Problem with MIDI input - 10/04/11 05:13 PM
I tried each channel in guitar settings dialog box of BiaB and it just displays notes on the wrong strings of the BiaB fretboard most of the time. The problem is that BiaB only recognizes the MIDI input as channel 5. I had soloist selected.

I got it to work but not in BiaB. Only Realband. I have not tried recording yet but it is displaying on the fretboard the correct fingerings. Wonder why it doesn't work in BiaB?
Posted By: silvertones Re: Problem with MIDI input - 10/04/11 07:26 PM
It should work in theory. I don't have any midi controller so can't help further. If it doesn't work notify support.
Posted By: derrylgabel Re: Problem with MIDI input - 10/05/11 02:48 AM
Yeah, it transcribes correctly and gives correct fingerings in the tab. but this only works with Real Band. I guess BiaB has a bug or something. I called and spoke with Will in support. Same thing happened when he tried.
Posted By: Mac Re: Problem with MIDI input - 10/05/11 01:58 PM
Hi derrylgabel,

Switch the bottom view from Chord Grid to Notation view using the Toolbar button that looks like a single 8th note at left of the bottom toolbar row.

From the Notation Window, hit the Opt. button on LH side.

You should be looking at the Notation Options window now.

Top left is a dropdown, Track Type" -- Change that selection to "Guitar" from the default "Single Channel" or whatever it may currently be showing.

That's hos we set Band in a Box to recognize the Multi-Channel Guitar MIDI input as a separate channel for each string. It is a global command and thus should stay that way from session to session for you unless and until you elect to change it.

*Just checked using my copy of BB2011.5 here and am happy to report that it still works fine!*

Have Fun,

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