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Posted By: cajunh2s tempo going crazy - 12/23/11 07:45 AM
having a problem guy's..

i'm building a my chords entered in and choosing a style for it

but no matter what style i choose and try....i set the tempo....and it start's climbing on me..
i'll set it at 82 BPM and every couple of Bars it starts shooting up....all the way too 254 Bpm and stuff..
its giving me a headache cause i can't figure it out....the book say's tap the + or - button ...i'm doing what the say's....but still it climbs on me...AARRARRAAR

how do i anchor this tempo in one

Posted By: Noel96 Re: tempo going crazy - 12/23/11 07:57 AM
Hi cajun,

Two possibilities spring to mind.

1) It might be that the tempo has been set to climb as the song progresses. To correct this, right-click on a bar in chord view and choose "Bar Settings" (or press F5). Down the bottom of the dialogue box that opens, there's a button that says "Reset all bars". Click that, exit, hit the "Play" button so that the song is regenerated and see what happens.

2) The new "Woodshed" feature might be active. To reset this, go to OPT | PREFERENCES | ARRANGE. On the right-side of the dialogue box, set the "Woodshed tempo" to zero. Click OK and exit back to the song. Again, it's necessary to hit the "Play" button and regenerate for the changes to take effect.

Hope this helps,
Posted By: Noel96 Re: tempo going crazy - 12/23/11 08:04 AM

If none of the above help, my plan of attack would be

1) Exit BIAB, fully shutdown the computer (not suspend it) and do a full reboot.
2) Open BIAB, load the song and see if the problem persists.

If the problems persists ...

3) I'd return BIAB to factory settings (under the OPT menu).
4) Exit BIAB and re-start it for the settings to take effect.
5) Load the song and see what happens.

If the problem still persists, I'd start a new song file and see if that behaves correctly. If it does, then it's possible that some "gremlin" has been saved with the file you created. If that were the case, I would simply create a new song file. Often it's much easier to start again from scratch as it doesn't take that long to type in the chords of a song.

Hope these thoughts also help,

P.S. Please let us know if the problem is resolved so that we can keep the solution in mind if it arises with someone else.
Posted By: Muzic Trax Re: tempo going crazy - 12/23/11 07:53 PM
You may want to try updating/re-installing your midi/audio drivers, if you haven't been able to correct the problem. I believe the midi clock runs off the audio driver?

Posted By: cajunh2s Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 04:58 AM

thanks for the help...sorry i couldn't get back to this post sooner...but had to go out of town today..

1) It might be that the tempo has been set to climb as the song progresses. To correct this, right-click on a bar in chord view and choose "Bar Settings" (or press F5). Down the bottom of the dialogue box that opens, there's a button that says "Reset all bars". Click that, exit, hit the "Play" button so that the song is regenerated and see what happens.

the advice paragraph above that noel gave...fixed box was set to zero and the other was set to 120 i set the 120 box to zero and it stopped climbing..

but if i change styles around in my song a couple of start's again
and i have to go to bar settings and do over..

i'm also going to try updating the drivers as muzic trax suggested maybe that will let me go through styles and it not revert back to that 120 tempo....don't know where its pulling that 120 tempo from

thanks again
Posted By: Noel96 Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 05:30 AM

The behavior you describe is strange. One thought that occurred to me is that if you have an external keyboard linked through midi to BIAB, perhaps BIAB is getting it's tempo from that.

If this was my problem, I would be resetting BIAB to factory settings. This is located under the Opt menu. If you try this, you'll be prompted to save your present settings so that you can return to them if you want. Also, it's necessary to exit BIAB for the reset to take effect.

Posted By: cajunh2s Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 07:44 AM

I think i'll take your advice and reset to factory settings....i might have messed something up bouncing back and forth trying to use ASIO and when i couldn't get my headphones to work bounce back to mme driver....i did this several times.

so i probably have something whacked out in it.....thanks for all the help my friend
with all this great help and advice you vet's share....i should be turning out some musical masterpieces in no time


question with factory Reset....will i lose my song i'm working on i have saved?
no biggie it don't take me long to enter the chords....and i'm still searching for the right style....just wondering if it will disappear
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 08:39 AM

question with factory Reset....will i lose my song i'm working on i have saved?

Posted By: cajunh2s Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 08:45 AM
Now after factory reset...i get a hssssss sound like an air compressor blowing air through an air gun on my midi playback....happens in intervals....not a steady hssss just at parts as it plays along..

its doing it in Real band also....doesn't matter which midi i play so its not the song
i thought i seen a noise reduction tab someplace.....not finding it in the book' right now

gonna call it a night....maybe i'll be able to get them to play without this noise tomorrow

Posted By: Noel96 Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 01:13 PM
Hi cajun,

As I read your post, a thought occurred to me. I don't know if this will help or not but I'll pass it on for what it's worth.

Not so long ago, did you download Coyote Forte and install it to try? When the trial period is up, this software doesn't function fully. This would mean that if you have it as your VSC/DXi and you've had it longer than the trial period without buying and registering it, some strange things could be happening with midi.

To check this, change to a different midi set-up and see if the problem persists.

Posted By: rharv Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 01:16 PM
Check which drivers are being used, as a factory reset will reset them to windows default.
Posted By: cajunh2s Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 04:57 PM
i've written down some info so you guy's might be able to dissect this problem

before factory reset i'm pretty sure i was using the (Audio noise Reduction)
under the Vst/Dx synth's plugin's tab...

not sure if this makes a difference since i'm playing Midi and not Audio...but i'm throwing it out there....when i try to use this tells me cyberlink is unable to connect....and won't let me use it...

under my midi/Audio Drivers setup window...this is what's picked in the little display windows

1. input driver info = no midi / sound input

2. midi output driver info = Microsoft GS wavetable synth

3. Synthesizer / soundcard = GS wavetable

4. Get patch/ Drum kit info = use VST /DXI Synth = Box is checked....
Route midi thru to midi driver = Box is checked

5. VST / DXI synth Settings = ( coyote WT) it gives me no other choice but coyote to choose here

6. GM2 support 128 Extra patches....on the window on this one i can choose 3 options
1. General midi 2 ( GM2) Support GM Patches only....
2. General midi 2 (GM2) Support
3. Roland GS older module SC55/ SC88

I have tried all 3 of number six paragraph with no change in hissss in playback of midi's

7. Driver latency = 104 ms

8. Audio settings = MME

Posted By: rharv Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 05:01 PM
Sounds like you may have a plugin that is not working in the program. Cyberlink plugins get installed with video editing software (like PowerDirector) and may not be designed for use in a DAW. I'd move it to the excluded plugins list ..
Posted By: silvertones Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 05:03 PM
Is the "woodshed" feature engaged? That's what it's for.
Posted By: cajunh2s Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 05:14 PM

you just blew Right pass me bro...where do i go and how do i move the cyberlink plug in...if thats what we are talking about...

please be kind...and explain it to me simple so i can keep up with you...

thanks again
Posted By: rharv Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 05:49 PM

before factory reset i'm pretty sure i was using the (Audio noise Reduction)
under the Vst/Dx synth's plugin's tab...

not sure if this makes a difference since i'm playing Midi and not Audio...but i'm throwing it out there....when i try to use this tells me cyberlink is unable to connect....and won't let me use it...

In the DX FX area there is a button for the exclusion list applet. Move it from enabled in the program over to excluded side so BiaB or RB doesn't try to load it, and it is removed from your visible list and you don't try it again later..
Not on a machine with BiaB installed right now so I can't give exact button location.
Posted By: cajunh2s Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 06:29 PM

i got the midi playback working without the noise now..
i did a factory Reset and got a message that BIAB must i guess it kinda rebooted itself....when i got it back playback problem was gone..

So do you think i should still visit that DX FX area or leave well enough alone?

Posted By: rharv Re: tempo going crazy - 12/24/11 06:36 PM
I was just giving a heads up that sometimes some DX things get installed that aren't suppose to show up in BiaB/RB, but they do. So the exclusion list is available to remove them. That "can't connect" message may have been a signal, or it may have happened because you had two instances of BiaB open, now that I know about that.
I have had video programs install things that show up in the list, but don't work, in the past .. and I know that Cyberlink is usually associated with video programs.
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