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My mind if fried at the moment but I'm reasonably certain that when I normalize the _JAZZBOP style (using only bass and drum) it results in a fair amount of distortion.

If I don't normalize these wav files the signal is too low. I recently did a batch (using Normalize) for a handful of files and they all turned out fine except it seems for the file I used this _JAZZBOP style.

Could someone here try this ... and if this is a known issue, I apologize for this post.

Could you please give a little more information as to what you do when you "Normalize"? As far as I'm aware, the "Normalize" feature in BIAB (from a Realtrack perspective) is only available when rendering an arrangement to audio files (e.g. mp3, wav).

There's also a "Normalize" feature for midi that will make all the midi notes have the same velocity.

Now as I re-read your post, it also sounds like you might be using "Normalize" in a DAW. Is this the case and, if so, what DAW?

In one of the BIAB ribbons, there's a icon of a floppy disk with a mic and under it is written WAV. It's in that window where I'm converting an SGU file to a wav file and there's an option to normalize or not.
Thanks, Dave. That helps.

Try rendering to "One wav file per track" with Normalize on. Then have a listen to each individual track and see if each one sounds ok. I tried it and it sounds fine to me.

The style of bass playing that's used incorporates slapping against the fingerboard and subsequent string vibrations that sound a little like distortion. Is this what you're hearing?

I'm not sure exactly what distortion I'm hearing but it does not sound great. I initially thought it was my sound system but the distortion was apparent even at low listening levels.

I've gone back and tried various things like not normalizing and experimenting with different dB boosts, even boosts of 30 dB did not put the signal in the 'red'.

I'll try what you suggested after my batch run completes. (It's late here and I'll probably finish this tomorrow.)

Thanks, DH
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