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Posted By: Hodge Voice only inserts - 12/31/11 05:25 PM
As a practice vehicle I'd like to be able to hear myself (without music) saying a chord ("Bb7b913" for example), and then in the next bar, hear the actual chord played. If this is possible, then I can enter all chords that way-- one after the other-- and put them in Jukebox for random playback. Feasible?
Posted By: John Conley Re: Voice only inserts - 12/31/11 05:32 PM
Golly, get a keyboard. You want to say chords and hear them. What about inversions? I guess I'm just not getting it. I yell out C, then flat the 3rd, no...I do that on a piano, organ, or keyboard.
Posted By: HogTime Re: Voice only inserts - 12/31/11 06:31 PM
Set up the chords you want, spaced apart well. Put a "rest" in all bars you don't want to hear the chord. Then play back the "song" while you record the audio (using BIAB) before each chord. The voice will then be on the "Audio" track of BIAB and part of the "song".
Posted By: Hodge Re: Voice only inserts - 12/31/11 06:47 PM
John: I play the vibes.
Posted By: Hodge Re: Voice only inserts - 01/01/12 12:04 AM
Thanks, Ralph. I'm anxious to try your idea.
Happy New Year !
Posted By: Mac Re: Voice only inserts - 01/01/12 05:34 PM
Check out the BB Ear Trainer, where you can set it to Chord Recognition, too. Like playing a video game to increase your Ear Power.

Posted By: Hodge Re: Voice only inserts - 01/01/12 10:10 PM
Guess I'm still not doing something right, Ralph. The appropriate bars are rested and "chorded", but when playing back for recording voice in the rested bars, I record almost nothing. Yet the vu meter shows good signal strength. Puzzling.
Posted By: Hodge Re: Voice only inserts - 01/01/12 10:15 PM
Great suggestion, Mac. Thanks.
Posted By: carkins Re: Voice only inserts - 01/01/12 10:46 PM
Check the volume setting on your mic input interface/preamp if you have one.

If it's a condenser mic it needs a phantom power source to work, a dynamic mic does not.

Also be sure the volume setting in the Track Volume adjustment window (just below the words Drum and Guitar)for your vocal track is up (maybe 90 or more).
Posted By: Hodge Re: Voice only inserts - 01/04/12 10:57 PM
Still no success with voice-only inserts. This is what I'm doing: (a) resting (unrelated chord & dot) all appropriate bars, (b) adding chords to all appropriate bars, and (c) clicking "R Audio" to start recording. In the mixer, "Microphone" is selected and the test level shown on the input VU meter is fine. I'm recording from "start of song" and "overdub" is unchecked. On PB the chords are fine but the voice is missing on all the rested bars. I know the mic is good and that the volume setting is OK (under "Guitar"). This is a BB 2005 version. Can PG Music join in here? Otherwise I'm headed for the rubber room.
Posted By: HogTime Re: Voice only inserts - 01/04/12 11:20 PM
Hmmm... I'm using 2012, and don't remember if audio recording has changed much since 2005. However, if you're getting a VU meter reading, the audio input must be working.

Forget about any chords now. Just put "C." in the first bar and beat. That way you'll get no music.

Do a short audio recording (make sure the song has actually started). Make sure you press "Keep take" after stopping the recording. Right click the "Audio" label (to the right of "Thru"). Then click "Settings" (if it's there). Make sure the Volume number is 90 or more and that the Mute box is NOT checked. Play the song again. Hear any audio now?

If not, Save the song. Look in the folder where it was saved. There should be an audio track with the same name as the song, but with an extension of WAV. Play it and see if you hear your voice. If it's not there or you don't hear any voice, I suggest contacting PGM support.

Good luck,
Posted By: John Conley Re: Voice only inserts - 01/05/12 12:23 AM
2005? Wow I'd jump in but that's like 12 versions ago. I'm sure I used it.

Audio has it's own track. You cannot record audio on any other track. The audio function has it's own waveform thing, and once you get it going you should see the waveform as you talk. If you don't hear stop. It should ask to keep the take. Don't.

So the steps are this. Add some extra blank bars at the start, no matter if there nothing happening. Hit Play, Record whatever. You tested your mic and can see it work in the VU meters right?

Note that if ANY file with the same name as your file is in the directory and say is Wonder.wav it will play with the band in a box file. This is normal but if you've been trying to do this and you've made those audio files you should delete them. Either in Band in a Box or in a window.

I'd seriously suggest an upgrade. You are getting so far behind it's nuts.

As far as PG music is concerned they sometimes jump in but registered users should PHONE them.
Posted By: Mac Re: Voice only inserts - 01/05/12 04:10 PM
Don't rest anything, try to Record your voice with the other parts playing.

Can you hear Playback of your voice as expected after performing this little test?

Posted By: Hodge Re: Voice only inserts - 01/06/12 10:41 PM
No suggestion seems to work. Thanks for all your inputs.
Posted By: John Conley Re: Voice only inserts - 01/06/12 11:18 PM
And it's so simple that I can do it, damaged drugged brain and all. Really, I'm back at about 14 years old or less, except for libido, and then we won't go there.
Posted By: MitchC Re: Voice only inserts - 01/06/12 11:40 PM

Don't rest anything, try to Record your voice with the other parts playing.

Can you hear Playback of your voice as expected after performing this little test?


Hodge, forget about your ultimate goal for a moment. As MAC suggested, record ANYTHING.. sing, play..whatever. Let's confirm that you can actually capture sound and have it play back ? If you can't hear back what you record, then likely it's just not ever actually getting recorded, regardless of what the VU meters 'tell you'.

List your equipment, how it's all connected, your exact process ie. First, I do xxx ... Then I do yyy... Then I do blah blah blah. Be very precise in listing your step-by-step process for us.

All that said, it may be difficult for assistance if you are using 2005 version. I'm not sure too many guys on this forum would still be using it. So much changes from year to year. Seriously consider upgrading if you have the means to.
Posted By: Mac Re: Voice only inserts - 01/07/12 03:11 PM

No suggestion seems to work. Thanks for all your inputs.

I take it this means that you did indeed try to record something without the rests.

Please take a look at Band in a Box FAQ #11 and follow those instructions for setting up the Mic input with yur particular Operating System as this sounds like a case of not having the software Recording Mixer of the operating system set up properly to do the desired task.

Posted By: Hodge Re: Voice only inserts - 01/12/12 06:03 PM
Sorry folks. I'm moving onto other things that need my time. I appreciate all your efforts.
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