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Posted By: redguitars Extending the Sale? - 01/01/12 01:46 PM
I was wondering if they were going to extend the sale. I don't get my check for a few days so I couldn't get it in time. I'll have the money to get what I need in a few days.
Last year I remember they extended the sale till the 15th. Maybe I'm remembering this wrong. If so I guess I'll wait another year.


I did replace my Gutar amp with a Fender Mustang I and it is great. I also have my mixer working.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Extending the Sale? - 01/01/12 02:27 PM

Sometimes the sale has been extended and sometimes not. This year's mid-year sale was not extended.

Maybe you could use a credit card?

All the best,
Posted By: redguitars Re: Extending the Sale? - 01/01/12 02:38 PM
We got hit with another flood in September. We lost most of our belongings and our house as well.
We are starting over again for a second time. This time in a very nice apartment. Our credit cards are gone.
We are fine. It just takes a lot to start over a second time. Replacing everything from kitchen utensils, furniture, a computer and I lost all my chothing again. We are doing ok.
Just no credit of any kind anymore.
Posted By: rharv Re: Extending the Sale? - 01/01/12 03:09 PM
Call sales right away and see if they can help
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Extending the Sale? - 01/01/12 04:31 PM
Oh man, that is really tough Wayne. I watched all the news shows about the floods and tornados last year. It's was very bad and my sympathies go out to you. You have that never-say-die spirit. Keep it up and I hope you moved to high ground!

Posted By: PeterGannon Re: Extending the Sale? - 01/01/12 04:54 PM
Yes, the special prices are extended to Jan 15, 2012

We will update the pages to reflect that new date on Tuesday, but in the meantime, you can place an order and see and get the discounted prices.
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